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I had to go to court for the sexual assault but it was very boring I had to sitting in a rectangular box of a waiting room. It was super hot and I had to wear a classy lady clothes and I wore a blue dress with high heels and my hair done. That's not me at all I rather wear a belly shirt and basketball shorts. So I was already uncomfortable so I wasn't in the best mood from the jump. But the kept updated me about what going to happen or what happened already. But basically I have to go back cause he didn't want them charges but it was very boring and a was getting irritated and uncomfortable cause it feels like your in trouble and your being interrogated. I felt very uhh.... claustrophobic and I hate feeling that way it's like being in a room and the walls closing in. It's the worst feeling ever but I would take walks and cry and come back but I was fine but I have to go back.

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