Chapter 15: Round one winners and round two fight one

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Deceros's P.O.V.

After my fight it felt like the other fights went past quickly then after the last fight of this round Makarov announced over the speakers. "Now the round two matches are as follows. Meice vs Deceros, Gajeel vs Erza, Natsu vs Macao and Lucy vs Loxas. Okay so these are the fights to look forward to so don't go too far away you don't wanna miss this!" Makarov sounded very hyped for this round and I was too but I didn't really wanna fight Meice.

We all had a few hours before the next round started so we just decided to sit and talk or rest. "So Deceros are you looking forward to our match. Just wanna tell you I am not going easy on you just cause you are a friend." Meice smiled at me and I smiled back still a little worried about how our fight might happen. Meice and I looked at the others.

Lucy looked no too happy and I just walked up to my roommate and asked. "I don't think I can beat loxas he is really powerful and I am totally not on his level." Lucy looked sad and I just told her that he probably won't fight her with his full strength but she didn't perk up too much.

Natsu looked super pumped for his fight but I thought to myself he was funny and gajeel was just sitting there quietly drinking something whilst Erza was eating some sort of cake and Loxas well he... Wasn't around. "I wonder where loxas went." Meice said when she spoke I jumped a little because I didn't think she was still following me. "Why did you jump did I scare you." Meice said laughing. I didn't smile back but rather sat next to Erza still waiting for the time to pass by.

"Worried about fighting Meice are you well when you go up against me you should be even more worried haha." I heard a voice say from behind me it was Loxas. I just smirked and said under my breath "I will take you down." Loxas must have heard me because he smirked as he walked toward the second level of the room.

"Meice and Deceros please enter the arena now your match will begin soon." We heard Makarov over the loudspeaker and went into the tunnel to enter the arena and I was still worried about hurting Meice. "Hope you are ready for a good fight." Meice said to me in the tunnel.

We went out into the arena and the whole crowd was cheering and I could see the big turn out man it was impressive. "Okay Deceros and Meice are you ready!" Makarov yelled with excitement over the speaker and we both yelled yes and we heard the gong the fight had begun.

I ran some distance away from Meice before I brought out my black summoning book but I wasn't going to summon Zedrava but another summon. Whilst I was getting ready to summon Meice was already using her glacial magic to bring out massive ice barriers. "Ha try and hit me now! Okay now time for me to use glacial shards." Meice through her shields launched ice shards that were pretty big at me but I summoned Xrosel and he managed to make them melt somehow. "Meet Xrosel my most powerful fire magic summoning." Xrosel roared which made the crowd flinch from how loud it was and Meice just stared at him. "Whatever I can still win. Glacial magic glacial wyvern!" Meice created her glacial wyvern and I just told Xrosel to use his fire magic on it and he shot fire orbs up and they shot fire at the wyvern but they missed that thing was fast.

"Haha bad aim but this is fun now glacial shards!" Meice launched more glacial shards at me but Xrosel melted them. "Okay this isn't working so Xrosel time to use your magma fire magic." I told Xrosel and he hit the ground and a really large magic circle formed and large rock like things came out and they were made of really hot fire and magma. "Launch them now!" He launched them into the air but Meice and her wyvern managed to out speed the magma rocks. Meice had looked tired and so did her wyvern but I was also quite tired but then I used my other type of magic and touched the ground and a magic circle that enveloped the whole fight area formed. "Ha now time to show my true magic. Area freeze." I froze the area but Meice was still moving just she was moving slower and due to Xrosel being summoned by me he could attack at a slower pace but he wasn't overly affected by this magic. "Okay now magma spires!" I command Xrosel to use and then I see Meice had transformed her glacial wyvern into wings and a spear. "The same thing you used against Cana well I guess I should end this differently." I told Meice then told Xrosel to transform and he did and I gained a magma like armor and twin short spears oh and small horns. "Time to strike Magma burst." I yell charging up at Meice.

A cloud of thick smoke envelopes the arena and then it clears to show Meice out cold on the ground and me pretty close to passing out as well. "The winner is Deceros!!!" Makarov yells and then I pass out on the ground.

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