Chapter 19: Introduction to Group mayham

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Author's note: okay so this chapter will introduce the bad guys in fact it will take place where the villains are... I will get back to the tournament but this chapter I feel has to be made to show who the villains will be in this story... Hope you enjoy.

It was 6:05 am and six people had gathered in a shady area of Magnolia most don't walk by often. "So why are meeting in this dark area... There is much better areas to go and meet." The shorter of the six said and his eyes glowed a little in the dark. "We are here, Lucas, because we need to be in this place to plan don't think we enjoy this either." The taller one said. They bickered a little and then one of them spoke. "So our plan will commence in 6 days time at the grand final... People will watch and I can't wait." The person said.

"I can't believe the nerve of him... Why can't we just start the plan today... It isn't like those fairytail wizards would hope to stand a chance against us." Lucas said to a girl with glasses. "True but remember they have some really strong wizards... Loxas, Erza and Mirajane just to name a few." The girl looked at Lucas. "Yeah but Mikano we should face the facts it makes much more sense to start the plan quicker although Junta and Crell probably wouldn't agreed knowing them." Lucas joked to the girl named Mikano.

The two left toward a small house not too far outside of the main area of Magnolia. "Hmm well aren't you coming inside." Lucas said to Mikano. "Yeah just looking at something." Mikano said walking in. "What were you looking at?" Lucas asked. "Your taste in a place to stay." Mikano said.

Lucas relaxed a little and spoke with Mikano. "So what was it like in a guild... Your detector magic would have been useful right?" Lucas asked her. "Well I wasn't in the guild long but I did enjoy it a little but due to how I act I always got picked on... That is why I am glad I met this group." Mikano said. "I think I get it... Even though I am younger than the others I am still capable as a wizard... But hmm I don't know." Lucas said candidly.

"Group mayham is a group that has enlisted itself to try something big... A reversal of the structure of the guilds and to demolish the stronger guilds." Lucas said quietly. "But thing is the intentions of the leader to gather the six of us to create this group makes me suspicious and now a side idea of starting the operation with kidnapping Meice the ice girl and a few of the others of fairytail... I don't get it." Lucas told her.

"Well best not to question it... I don't think you wanna go back to your old life." Mikano said to Lucas before she fell asleep on the couch and Lucas left to his room. "Most certainly I don't wanna go back to that hell." Lucas whispers before going to his bed.

Author's note: Okay so this is an introduction to group mayham... The villains of this story... I thought this chapter would work so hope you all enjoy it.

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