Chapter 18: Erza vs Deceros

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Deceros's P.O.V.

I walked around still a little weak from my fight with Meice and I knew Erza was ready for a fight... I don't know if I will be able to fight so well. "Hope you are ready for a tough fight... Erza isn't an easy fight trust me." Meice told me but I already knew that... I don't think I am ready for this fight I don't have as much energy as I will need to fight Erza with.

I feel a little weak but then I see Erza and she looked at me. "Hope you are ready to fight." Erza told me and I have to admit I was nowhere close to fighting her I may have tied with Loxas but that doesn't mean anything if my energy level isn't at its highest... Natsu came up to me. "Can't wait to see your fight! I got a fire in my belly and hope I get to fight you." Natsu told me and I just looked at him.

Erza was powerful and great at fighting... And other then my summons I can use time/ space manipulation magic but it drains me too much and I do have a special sword but... I am not as good with that so against Erza it will be useless. How will I fight in such a weak condition. I was so worried and I think Erza could see that. "Haha well looks like you won't be going up against me after all." Loxas yelled at me and I shot him a death stare. Damn Loxas I will beat him.

Erza looked at me. "Rest you need it there is six hours until we have our fight and trust me you will need to rest to gain your energy back for the fight against me. I will do my best I expect the same." Erza said... She scared me a little but I found her noble but still... At least she isn't as mean as loxas but I suppose he is like that cause he sees me as a rival to him.

I went to sleep to regain my energy but it wasn't too easy to sleep considering Natsu was being loud and thrashing about and Erza was yelling at him and the flying cat he had with him named happy. "I will win!" Natsu yelled and then Erza whacked him over the head... Yep never getting her mad...

Meice watched me trying to sleep which also kept me awake. "If sleeping isn't working you could always drink some water and milk or something... I drink cold chocolate milk and it makes me feel better and more energized." Meice gave me a glass of chocolate milk and I drank it. I felt a fair amount of energy gaining inside me.

"Good luck." Wendy told me and the others said there good luck to Erza as well... I could tell Erza had a lot of support but I am glad I did as well. What is next will be the fight of my life... I am still nervous however. "Hey Deceros good luck I hope you are gonna fight well." Erza said then she patted me on the back... It made me nearly fall off the table.

Natsu and Gray were both out cold I am guessing Erza knocked them out... Without even realising it five hours went by and it was nearing time for mine and Erza's fight.

Time sure flies but I still don't have all my energy back but I will have to fight with what I have got... I should still be able to put on a good show and be a challenge I am a S class wizard after all. "Let's go into the arena." Erza said and I followed her in my energy level was around 75% which was good enough I just will have to stick with Zedrava as my summon cause he can share his energy with me but still I wanna save my strongest summoning for the fight with Loxas.

I was still thinking about how I would fight Erza when we got into the arena and Makarov yelled over the speakers. "Time for the next round to begin... She is strong and has many armors! It is Erza Scarlett! (Erza waves to the crowd). He recently joined fairytail but he is quite tough and a match for the best of them it is Deceros! (I waved to the crowd) now we want a great fight and I think we all know we will get it." The gong sounded and our fight was underway.

I ran a little away and picked out my black covered summoning book. "Time to have some fun Zedrava show yourself!" I yelled and then Zedrava appeared and saw me and looked conserned as always. "As always you summon me in a weak state." Zedrava used energy share. Whilst I did this Erza requipped to her the knight form and summoned out a fair amount of swords.

"Time to fight let's give a great show!" Erza charged at me and Zedrava blocked her attacks but I have to admit she did make Zedrava step back a little. "Time to fight back get ready." Zedrava said then he threw a volley of punches her way but she dodged them all. "Try better then that!" Erza kept swinging but Zedrava blocked most of the hits. "Damn gotta try something stronger. Resolution strike!" Zedrava struck at Erza with a strong blade attack but she blocked it but had a little difficulty with it though.

Our fight went on and we just went round and round and both me and Zedrava looked tired and to be honest even Erza was showing a little strain so she requipped into her stronger dark armor and then I decided that it was best to fight using Zedrava's transformed state. "Zedrava transform now." I told Zedrava and then just like against Loxas Zedrava transformed into the special weapon and armor state. "Let's make this the big hit." I went for a charged attack and using both mine and Zedrava's strength and I was able to use resolute blade strike and went for the final hit and Erza swung at me and then smoke formed around us.

The smoke cleared and then it showed both me and Erza on our knees my energy was at just about empty and Zedrava disappeared back into the book and Erza was in her original armor. I passed out from how exhausted I was and then Erza caught me. "That was a good fight... You were a challenge if you were at 100% I probably would have tied with you maybe even lost." Erza said to me before I completely passed out.

The winner was Erza... Guess I won't have my rematch against Loxas after all.

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