Final Chapter: Group meyham vs Fairytail... the grand finale?

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Deceros's POV

It had been six months since the attack and things had been on the up but the problem had been however that the second strike was still impending and was probably gonna come soon and also was gonna be bad. In these last six months the town of magnolia has been repaired and now the people have started coming back slowly... It is a process that will most likely take longer than expected. Meice had finally come back to fairytail full time as she couldn't stay in sage forest the whole time... And both Lucas and Mikano are now full members of fairytail and Lucas will even be going for an s class exam... And me well I recently challenged laxus and we tied again but it was quite the show... I have gotten better at mastering my magic energy consumption but I still can't hold a black book summoning out too long... Oh and also gildarts did return and as soon as he arrived natsu challenged him and lost badly... I eventually challenged gildarts and according to him I posed a challenge but I still only lasted around ten minutes against him.

With all the recent events that have happened it is a little scary to think about what might happen next but I know there will be a lot of struggles left to face. I was taking a short break after a solo request I did and completed. "Hey Deceros how did the request go?" Meice asked me and I told her it went well and I was successful. "Cool I hope we get to do a mission together sometime soon." Meice said with a blush and I blushed as well and then I heard the familiar voice of Erza near where we were. "Meice we need to get going soon." Erza yelled and then Meice took off to where Erza was and then as they left laxus approached me. "Hey so are you and Meice together now or something?" Laxus asked me and I just went red then punched him although my punch didn't do much. "Heh just kidding anyway are you ready for the events to come... We all have been preparing I hope you are too... I don't want my rival to look weak to anything but me." Laxus said with a smile and I smiled as well... Yeah me and laxus are quite close now but we are still rivals...

"Hey Deceros when did you get back?" Lucas came up and asked me curiously. I responded by saying I got back recently. "Hey aren't you two supposed to be getting ready for your s class test?" Laxus asked them and Lucas just shrugged whilst Mikano had her head in a book about the more powerful magic. "All taken care of study wise... Mikano is really smart and since she tutored me I know I won't have any troubles." Lucas said proudly but I looked at him and was about to say something about our time in school but I thought against it.

Lucas and Mikano eventually left to the library... Those two are rather close but I am glad Lucas found a friend after I left home... He may not have been family but still. "So have you done much else lately?" Laxus asked me and I told him that I haven't and then laxus left to the second floor. "So after the second strike comes and ends what do you plan to do?" Mira asked me and I answered that I hadn't really thought of it. "Ah well anyway I hope you and Meice become closer though... Although you already seem very close." Mira said with a sneaky smile... I looked at her in suspicion of what she meant by that. It was quite peaceful in magnolia today and that just made me think if there even is a second strike coming but the answer soon came...

There had been an explosion heard and everybody from the guild walked out and into the square and it had been group mayhem and they looked ready for this final fight... The leader of the group was about to strike at us but Lucas jumped and blocked him with his shadow blade. "Guys get ready for this... The leader is powerful!" Lucas shouted as he got pushed back by the leader and then two of the others prepared for an attack but just as they did Mikano stepped in and used her form of magic and blocked one of them whilst the other had been blocked by Lucas.

Laxus had started to fight the leader and they were at a basic standstill... "Just give us the girl and then we will leave!" The leader yelled but we all just said hell no. The fight continued and we had hoped at this point that Meice had gotten away with Erza and the others... This final fight is where this all ends.

Meice's POV

We had all gotten closer to our destination but suddenly the train had stopped and this was a strange occurrence but when we heard someone say where is the ice girl it made sense... "Damn it we are gonna have to do something about this... Natsu, Lucy, gray let's get ready to fight!" Erza said like a general and I just said what about me. "Don't worry we plan to protect you." Natsu said with a smile and I just nodded... I wanted to help but I knew what they were doing... 'My dear friends... Please live...' I thought as they left to protect me.

I heard sounds of them fighting... Fighting to protect me... 'Thank you all my fairytail friends.' I sat praying for all my friends to live and win against this opponent. Soon enough I heard a few more crashing sounds then silence fell... Then I heard footsteps approach where I was... It was natsu, Lucy, gray and Erza... Thank heavens they are okay... Although they did look a little beaten up.

Deceros's POV

The battle had continued on for longer than expected and magnolia was nearly in shambles again but luckily unlike last time we were able to take out more of them thanks to us all being at full strength and having both Lucas and Mikano to help us with how to fight them... We continued fighting and eventually we took them nearly all down... We just had the leader, whom's name is Crell, left but his magic was some sort of gravity bending magic... And Lucas told us beforehand that it is almost impossible to combat it due to all its different uses and ranges. "I will handle him..." Gildarts said and then he used his magic strength and hit Crell which sent Crell into the closest wall but he still stood... But he was shaky... "Fine I will have to use my strongest magic for this." Crell said before releasing some sort of crushing energy which started to level every building around him... This magic was quite powerful indeed but I have a summon I can use just for this situation... I gave a nod to the guild leader and to both gildarts and laxus and the nodded back and I brought out my black book and turned to the second last page... The page of Odinma the spacial summon. I summoned Odinma and then laxus and gildarts released there energy and sent it to both me and odinma... "Alright that should be enough energy for the final hit!" Laxus yelled as him and gildarts gave there energy I told odinma to use yami break and odinma summoned its support spear and charged very fast at Crell and when odinma struck him the gravity magic stopped and Crell had been sealed into the dark void dimension that odinma controls. "Its finally over." Laxus said and I agreed and as odinma disappeared I fell on the ground exhausted from that and both laxus and gildarts looked tired too, laxus looked more tired than gildarts however, everybody looked at the state magnolia was in and decided it was repair time again.

Time skip

It had been six months since the second strike and now magnolia had become much quieter and peaceful again... And the guild well that had been rebuilt bigger than ever and now both Lucas and Mikano were s class wizards and I finally admitted my feeling to Meice and she accepted them... We were now dating and well laxus and I are continuing our rivalry and gildarts had started to stay at the guild a lot longer now... And as for natsu and the others well they had become much more stronger and it has become fun at the guild again... There was one last thing that had to be sorted... The finding of the other priestesses and that searching had started not too long ago... Lucas and Mikano went and found the area where they were and saved them from what I heard... Anyway everything apart from some complaints about how fairytail seem to go overboard and stuff everything was going well... I am glad that I joined fairytail and although my journey has been long I feel happy and glad I have made so many great friends.

Author's note: thank you all for reading this story and I am glad it came to a wonderful ending... I didn't think honestly that my fairytail fanfiction would get this far but I am glad it did... I may write another one but I hope you all enjoyed this story and I guess it is over now.

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