Chapter 26: The second strike

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Deceros's POV

After a few trips around the south area of magnolia we stopped in a not fully destroyed part and we stopped and had a relaxing time. "This is pretty nice although it would be nicer if the town wasn't in ruins..." Laxus told me as we ate a little of the food we had with us... Freed looked at me strangely as I made conversation with laxus...

After around twenty minutes the guildmaster accompanied by Lucas and that girl... Mikano came up to us. "Role shift time... Lucas you will switch for freed and Mikano you switch for evergreen... Laxus and Deceros you two will continue to watch them but first I want to talk to you Deceros." The guild master said to me and I have to admit I got a little scared about what might happen.

Me and master makarov went to an area behind a ruined building. "You do realise summoning that big leviathan was stupid and reckless right and also was a direct disobayment of my no... But if it weren't for that the situation could have been worse... All in all as a s class wizard you need to remember that you need to follow orders... And also make your own choices." The master said in his grumpy voice and I nodded and listened to what he said... I knew it was dangerous but I really had no option...

I went back to the others and laxus just looked at me. "So did you get chewed out by gramps?" Laxus asked me with a happy look and I just said he sort of did... He did yell at me a little but not very much although I know I was lucky to not have died after summoning Leviathan... But still that just shows how powerful I really am... Even though I kept it out for like a minute...

As the others continued building me and laxus kept talking about stuff and my hatred of him disappeared although I never really disliked him anyway but still. I asked laxus about how roughly the s class wizards in the guild are ranked. "Well I know gildarts is the strongest and then... Well it was me and mystogen but he disappeared so it is me second and well you probably would be third cause you are one of the few that has managed to tie with me... And I guess the last three spots would be Erza, Meice and mirajane but I reckon they would be fairly interchangeable... Due to being very close power level wise... But gildarts is definantly the best." Laxus told me and then I thought to myself that if that is true I wanna challenge that gildarts... At least meet him.

After a while we all gathered back at the arena which I guess now was our main base and then I saw that Lucas and Mikano didn't have the badges but both had guild marks... Lucas had his on his left hand and Mikano had hers on her right hand. "Now I need to tell you all something... Lucas and Mikano informed me that the group mayham that attacked magnolia will most likely strike again... With that it means in our weaker state they might have a better chance but we dont have as bad a problem since we have time... But not much... And I got more information of Meice's location from an old friend and she is safe and working on her magic... This is gonna be a battle for not just us but other towns these evil people have destroyed just like magnolia..." Master makarov said and then everybody looked fired up and even laxus had a happy grin. "Oh and before I forget we have gotten mention and have found out that gildarts is coming to help us." Makarov said and that made me very happy. I will finally get to meet the famous gildarts. I just hope the second strike doesn't end in as much trouble as the first one did.

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