Chapter 25: Laxus and Deceros team up!

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Deceros's POV

After the initial problem had passed since all the evil people had either left the ruins that were now magnolia to go and find Meice or had been knocked clean out by leviathan... I still felt pretty weak due to summoning that anyway.

The guild master looked in shambles but composed himself before speaking to everybody. "Now due to all this we will have to search around and find everything not in such a bad state and start from there to get everything back to normal... So I will split you all into two to three people groups... And most of the groups will be watched over by an s class wizard... Although due to the weak state he is in Deceros you will have to be with another s class wizard so I pair you up with laxus because you two seem to fit well." Master makarov paired me up with laxus... Hmm well this should be fun...

"Well now this will be a little more fun now... Don't worry I don't wanna fight you whilst you are weak so we will work together for now... I think this might be the start of a good team." Laxus may have had a point because from what I can tell he is the strongest in the guild although every so often I hear mention of somebody named gildarts... He must be the other s class wizard.

Laxus, Freed, Wendy and I all went to the south end of magnolia and started on some of the repairs and when we caught a break I asked Laxus about this gildarts guy. "Well gildarts is the strongest wizard in fairytail... He is probably one of the strongest wizards in general... Why do you wanna know?" Laxus asked me back and I just said I kept hearing him mentioned and was curious. "Hmm well I will tell you this much he rarely shows himself... He tends to be a recluse." Laxus said and then I just thought to myself...

I had a daydream about what it would be like to go up against this gildarts guy... If he is stronger than laxus then he would be really cool to fight... Also to be friends with. I got snapped out of my daydreaming by laxus flicking my forehead which instantly made me punch him. "Nice punch but you need to get stronger." Laxus told me with a smile... I can tell he would love a match... And so would I but in a situation like this it isn't really worth it.

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