3. The Mysterious roommate

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Image: dorm room

Beep beep! Beep beep!

The sound of my alarm is annoying as hell but it is a reminder of my adventurous day ahead. Today, I am finally going to the boarding school. Somehow, I managed to be excited at six in the morning and started getting ready. My plan is to change at Emily's house as her parents are out of town. My luck so far, is pretty good.

By eight, I ate my breakfast and was just ready to leave. I said goodbye to my mother who replied with a simple bon voyage and a kiss on the cheek.

Hurriedly, I took a cab and reached Emily's place who greeted me with a huge hug. I changed into my masculine attire and we left her house with Eric who brought his car. With a promise of seeing my friends this weekend, I headed towards the school.

While walking toward the entrance of the school, I got some strange looks which I didn't exactly comprehend as I looked like a guy who was just a little short for his age but still could be passed as a male specimen. Soon, I realised that I was swaying my hips while walking which isn't exactly manly according to our society. With my shoulders perfectly aligned with my feet, I now walked as straight as I could.

I soon reached the reception and saw a woman named Mrs.Johnson work.

"Excuse me ma'am, my name is Jacob Thompson. I got a scholarship here and was supposed to arrive here yesterday, but due to some circumstances I couldn't"

"Just a second... Yes Mr. Thompson, you will meet the principal in ten minutes, please sit down."

I sat down and started biting my nails. I was a nerve wrecking mess. What will I say to the principal? What if I accidentally say something that will expose me?

I tried to maintain my composure but failed miserably.

"Mr.Thompson, you must go in now."
Leaving my luggage outside the office, I entered the room to see a balding man with round horn rimmed glasses. He was wearing a suit with a funny pink bow.

"Good morning sir." I said trying to sound as manly as possible.

"Good morning Mr.Thompson, take a seat."

Fiddling with my coat, I sat down in front of him while he was assessing me with his sharp green eyes.

"I am going to ask you a few questions and you must answer them honestly."
I nodded my head, urging him to continue.

"Why do you want to join this school?"

"I am really interested in sports and I should take this amazing opportunity. I think that I am capable of making into the Los Almaitos all boys school's soccer team. It is such a famous team and being a part of it would be such a great honor. I would love to make this team proud. Also, the academics in this school is so heard of, and is so organized. Getting education from teachers like yourself sir, will be a blessing." I said it all in one go and took a deep breath.

Honestly, I had never even heard of this school before two days ago but after doing some research came to know it was number 5 team in the state.

But the principal seemed to be happy and said I should just skip the test and right away join the team.

I headed back outside, took my luggage and asked Mrs.Johnson to give me my schedule and dorm keys.

I checked the key for my dorm number and in big bold black letters the number 207 was written.

I took the elevator and headed towards the second floor in my dorm building. As soon I entered the corridor the smell of sweat hit me in the face like a frigging brick wall. It was so horrible that at that moment, I thought I will choke on my own saliva.
The corridor was crowded with guys. The air was thick and heavy with an abundant amount of testosterone.

As soon as I reached the room I opened the door without even thinking about the fact that someone might be in the room and entered the room to a beautiful sight in front of me. A really attractive guy with a six pack, -oh my God! he has a bloody six pack!- was standing near a bed, in a pair of sweat pants that were hanging dangerously low. I literally squeaked and ran away when I realized that I was a guy and shouldn't be mortified at such glances.

"Who the hell are you? And why are you in my room?" He said as soon as his eyes fell on me.

His eyes. Oh my God. Am I in heaven?

I cleared my throat ," Um... I am Jacob Thompson and I am your new roommate."

"I don't have a roommate. So, you should take your luggage and move out before I have to throw you out."

Since I was already mortified, I thought it would be best if I didn't argue with him. Thankfully, this building has an elevator. Pulling my suitcase, I headed back to the reception.

"Mrs.Johnson, do you have any other rooms vacant?"

"No, that was the only room left, all the other rooms are full." There goes my good luck, it is now sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Okay, thank you anyway." I said dejectedly.

With no other option left, I went back and let out a sigh of relief when I saw that the Greek god wasn't in the room anymore.

I fell back on my bed and didn't even realise when I went into a deep slumber.

I was woken up by being suddenly pushed up by my collar, only to see the face of the guy who I was just dreaming about but still didn't know the name of. Did I just have a dream of a person I just met? What the hell is wrong with me?!

"I told you to leave. Why are you still here?"

Coming back from my thoughts, I replied in a squeaky tone,"There were no other rooms. All of them are full."

He cursed under his breath that was minty fresh and left my collar,"You will not disturb me. I am going to have some friends over so, don't be a nuisance."

I nodded my head and decided that I should start unpacking. I wanted to distract myself from the thoughts of this mysteriously handsome -oh wait, just mysterious- guy and arranging stuff around is the perfect way to do so.

Two muscular and tall guys entered the room and greeted the Greek god a.k.a douchebag without even saying his name. For some reason, the fact that I didn't know his name was bugging the hell out of me.

One of the guys looked towards me and said," Who is this little chimp?"

"I am Jacob Thomps-" "Yeah,whatever"

Then why did he even ask? How am I going to be around such jerks?! Oh God,help me.

I was halfway done through my packing when Mr. Mysterious interrupted me,"Why do you have tampons in your luggage?"

Uh-oh. Busted.

Or was I?

A/N: I hope you lovelies like this chapter. 😊



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