26. Angels

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I was floating. My hands stretched out to reach for anything that I could grasp onto. Nothing. I felt nothing.

Suddenly, a bright blinding light sharply fell into my eyes and I instantly looked away, covering my eyes with my bare arm.

I slowly removed my hand and looked down at myself. I was wearing nothing but a flimsy grey gown. I shivered as I felt cold air sweep past my bare feet.

Confused, I looked up to see a man standing in front of me, facing his broad back to me. A strange sight captured my attention and I opened my mouth to let out a gasp but no sound escaped me.

Two white wings were sprouting out of his back. His bottom was tightly wrapped in a simple wrinkleless white cloth. A strange golden aura surrounded him. It was warm and pulled me towards him.

He felt my presence and his face slightly turned in my direction, looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

I recognized him instantly and walked faster towards him, almost running. He moved forward, ignoring my approach and suddenly from his golden glory, he transformed into the exact opposite. His white drape and the wings sprouting out of his back turned black. The golden warm aura turned cold and icy, surrounding him in darkness.

I stopped dead in my tracks, shocked. He started vanishing and I ran again, to be by his side, but I tripped. I fell through the light clouds, losing balance and free falling to my death.

"Archer!" His name escaped my lips as I hoped that he might come to my rescue but seeing that he himself had vanished, it was just a hopeless call.

My arms helplessly wailed around me, the air was chilly and fast, making me shiver and my eyes shut forcefully.

I fell down on the ground, shockingly without breaking any of my bones. I peeled open my eyes that seemed to be sewed shut to realise I fell into Blake's arms.

"Blake... Thank God yo-" He dropped me and his eyes suddenly widened to the size of saucers.

The impact of the fall hurt me but at least it didn't kill me.

"Ouch. You-"

Blood started oozing out of his mouth and his body crumpled on top of me. I let out a scream as I lifted his dead form off me and placed him down, to loom over him.

"Help! Anybody! Help!"

"Olivia! Wake up! Calm down, it was only just a dream." A voice said in my ear. A hand ran down my back in an attempt to slow down my racing breath.

I opened my eyes and saw Archer looking down at me in concern. In panic, I immediately sat up straight, banging my head with his in the process.

"Ouch. Sorry." I said and rubbed my head.

He stood unflinching, not bothered at all by the head banging. My back hurt a little as I realized that I fell asleep on one of the hospital benches. I stretched my stiff back and saw Archer looking at me. I suddenly realized that I was still in the stupid strapless dress which had moved a little lower that necessary. I moved it back up and tried to act calm about the whole ordeal.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep but I had very little sleep last night."

"I know. I was with you last night." He smirked and my cheeks flushed red. I looked away from him awkwardly.

"So... Um... Did any doctor or nurse leave his room yet?"

"No, its only been two hours. I think the operation might end soon." As soon as he completed his sentence, the door swung open and a tired looking doctor and a few nurses and assistants came out.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the worst and moved a step forward.

"Doctor, is he-? I hesitated to speak and the doctor understood what I was trying to say.

"Miss., He will live and the situation isn't critical anymore." I let out a breath that I was holding in. "But, he is in coma. We don't know how long it will take him to get out of it, or if he ever will. " A tear rolled down my cheek and before I knew it, I was sobbing uncontrollably, wrapped in Archer's arms.

A minute or two passed, and Archer spoke up this time.

"Can we see him?"

"Yes. You can." The doctor and his crew left us alone.

I straightened up and tried to wipe my face off with my hands. Noticing my trouble, Archer took out a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to me. The fact that he kept a hanky with him was oddly pleasant.

"Thank you." He nodded and we both entered Blake's room.

My lower lip trembled as I saw Blake sprawled in white sheets on the bed, looking almost lifeless. His cheeks had lost their color and his face looked as pale as a ghost.

I didn't even realize when I was at the foot of his bed.

"I am going to wait outside." Archer said and left. I really appreciated the fact that he respected our privacy.

I sat down next to Blake and grabbed hold of his hand that didn't have the IV attached to it. The machines beeping in the background reassured and scared me at the same time. I pushed my face in the crook of his neck while having a hold onto his unmoving hand and inhaled his fading masculine smell. The next hour was spent sobbing into his neck as I tried to ignore his broken leg and ribs.

A/N: That was a tense chapter for sure! I promise that I will try not to make it so tense and serious. The story is moving slowly too, but from the next chapter it won't.

We have already reached 26 chapters! Wow, it's so hard to believe. I believe that this story will have less than 40 chapters.

Song: Holding on and letting go - Ross Copperman (This song is just perfect and completely fits this chapter!)

Until next time,

P.S: Archer will probably kiss you, if you hit that shiny little star. :P

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