6. The Soccer Trials

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Song: Firework by Katy Perry

Since the bathroom incident, my roommate was not that suspicious about me.

After having lunch with the guys who still thought I was too girly for their taste, we four headed to the field for introducing me to the coach.

As soon as we reached, he just regarded Archer with a nod and looked down at me.

"Archer, who is this little guy with you?"

"Coach Wilson, this is Jacob Thompson, he wants to join our soccer team."

The coach nodded, "Go and call all your team members within an hour. We will start practicing then and see what this little guy got for us."


Saying that I was scared, will be an understatement. I had already changed into my soccer attire and was pacing back and forth in front of my bed. Sometime these days, my head is going to explode due to over thinking. I had only 15 minutes left for my trials and was realizing what a huge mistake I had made. I could have just been in my old school, living my safe and boring life.

But you wanted a little adventure didn't you? You wanted to prove that even girls can play as good as guys and now you want to back out? A little voice said in my mind and this time I considered this voice.

I got myself in this mess, just to prove a point and I am not going to back away now.

With this new built confidence, I moved forward and arrived at the field , but this confidence did not last for long. After seeing all the huge guys on the team, I was back to square one. Even though I have played against many guys , and won a dozen of times, it felt as if this time was different.

Taking one step forward at a time, changing the leg and then another step, I finally arrived in front of the coach after repeating this process for some time. He just said one line in such a harsh tone that I wanted to run away and hide under my bed back at home. "Show me what you got, Thompson or get the hell out of here."

Yeah, well I wasn't as good at this school. These guys were pretty strong, with such a great stamina that I felt like a toddler who had just started crawling and these guys were carbon copies of Hussain Bolt.

In simple words, this trial was worse than my brother's cooking skills. He couldn't even toast bread for Christ's sake!

These guys had the most perfect coordination. After I fell down for at least a zillion times, the coach finally called the practice off for the day.

"What was that Thompson? I want strong men on this team."

"Coach, give me a week, I will train Jacob." Said Archer.

"A week Evans, not a second more than that. If I don't see any change, then you will lose your only chance, Thompson."


When I went to my room, I straight away headed towards my bed and fell down on it with a 'thud'. I set an alarm for 4 am to pay a secret and undisturbed visit to the bathroom.

Exhaustion and fatigue soon took over and pulled me into a deep slumber.

Waking up to my alarm, I noticed that Archer was still asleep. With a new set of clothes, I headed towards the bathroom and heaved a sigh of relief when I didn't see anyone around.

I quickly took off my shirt but the real challenge was the binder which I had put on to conceal my breasts. It wasn't a trimmer as Stuart said that those can be harmful. I had just worn two sports bras and wrapped around a long cloth from the top of my chest to my belly button. Removing the binder itself took at least 5 freaking minutes!

After my shower, I soon went back to my room to see Archer awake.

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked, confused.

"I thought that we can start your training early morning. Why did you take a shower this early anyway?"

"I am an early riser and thought that since the bathroom will be free at this hour, why not take a shower?" I said while we both were walking to the ground.

Two hours passed and I had learnt many new moves. With no doubt I can say that Archer is the best player I have ever met.

But enough of his praise, because as soon as we both were back again in my room he gave me a long lecture about what all should I tell Sophia about him if talk to her today. It was a very, very long list but in a way brought me closer to him.

Till the time I am getting to know him better and growing closer to him, everything is good, said that annoying little voice in my mind and I knew that what it was saying was true but I simply didn't want to accept it.

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