22. The Forgotten Traditional Method of Tracking People

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A/N: I have so much pending work to do and so little time, therefore I decided not to do anything at all and just update for all you beautiful fellas! ❤ ( Hell! I am so useless sometimes. More like, all the time.)

Song: I'm leaving you again - New editions

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As promised, a surprise for y'all!




Seve- Ugh! Screw this! It's taking too long.




Ugh! That didn't come out like I wanted it to. Let me start again. :P (It's fun teasing you guys. Jk. I am wondering if anyone is even reading my weird writing.)





Archer's POV

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Archer's POV

Damn it!  I swore in my mind each time I hit that freaking punching bag with all my energy. It hurts to punch with so much force without even wearing those good-for-nothing gloves but I find the pain worth it. Call me a  masochistic person, who finds some kind of sick pleasure in seeing himself in pain, but believe me, that's the only thing that calms down my stormy nights and keeps me alive with such an haunted life.

Her pink and full lips flashed in my mind and I punched the bag again. Those soft lips that I would kill for. I would do anything to have them on my chapped ones just once more.

Her soft and delirious laugh rang in my ears, making me shiver and tingling every single nerve in my body from head to toe. I punched the bag again. This time, with more force. The poor bag limped in front of my eyes, swinging in a weak manner, just ready to be damaged.

The way her skin crinkled by her eyes whenever she laughed. I could see how she is going to age and it seemed all too perfect to me. Picturing every single part of her, from the way she did everything carelessly, as if what people thought of her didn't matter at all, how she ate to the fullest not like all those I-am-too-fat-and-pale bitches who were actually really skinny. She was the happiest person whom I had the honor of meeting in my entire life. So full of energy and such an adorable klutz. Everything she did was so amusing. She was a speck of hope that could flicker anytime and I was just complete darkness. I punched the bag again, and this time it exploded, the cotton and rags flying everywhere. This was the fifth time this happened in this week, I grinned with satisfaction as this thought came in my mind.

I was attracted to her. It was not love, because I simply didn't believe in it. It was just mere attraction that I sadly couldn't get rid off. I need to get her out of my system and for that I had to see her again. I knew a simpler way to meet her but I chose the one that she wanted me to pursue, because unlike her I was pretty good at hiding some things.


I quickly slipped open the back door of my adoptive mother's house. I could never call this place my home, even though my new family was full of kind hearted people. My home didn't exist anymore. It was destroyed four years ago, that's what all of the other people were told, but in all honesty, I am the only one who knew it wasn't just those four years. It was much longer that that. I tried to be as quiet as possible, as to not wake up my mother who was probably busy with Oliver's wedding anyway. I also did not want to face her as I had missed the Rehearsal dinner and she would definitely be angry at me right now. 'The best man did not show up for the Rehearsal dinner! Oh, what a shame!' I could already hear the judgemental voices in my head. It's not like they bothered me anyway, but it was my adoptive mother who was being hurt. I started heading towards the room made for me which I had last visited two years ago. It just didn't seem like my room.

"Who is it?" Oops, she caught me. I heard some shuffling from the kitchen.

Deciding that freaking her out won't be such a good idea, I answered back.

"It's Archer!"

She soon stood in front of me, looking stressed out.

"I am glad you are home. Go and sleep now, we have a long day tomorrow." 

"I could say the same to you, mom. You look rather tired. Is something bothering you?"

"No! I am fine. Go to bed now." This is so not her. She would have been furious at me for showing up late instead!

She turned around to leave but I stopped her and hugged her tight. I am not much of a hugger, but she deserved one right now! She wrapped her arms around me gratefully, silently thanking for the hug and giving me a motherly pat.

As we separated from the affectionate hug, a question striked my mind.

"Do you happen to know where our city's telephone directory is? The one will all the addresses and phone numbers?"

Her brow furrowed in confusion and she narrowed her eyes at me,

"Yes, I do. But why would you need to use an old phone book in this world of smartphones?" She asked incredulously, as if not believing that I asked her such an absurd question.

"No reason." I said nonchalantly, and in a careless manner whereas, in reality, a million thoughts were running in my head.

I could finally find her, find Olivia even though, I probably am going to feed her some lies, just for her own good. She's not as smart as she thinks she is, especially with hiding things. She is playing a foolish game with all of us but two can play this game.

Especially, since I am the one who started it in the first place. 

A/N: Oh damn! I just realized that this chapter is pretty short. Sorry for that! :P

Thank you for reading. :)

I hope you liked Archer's POV because, I was dying to share his thoughts. 

What do you think? Did you see all this coming? Is Archer that predictable or not?

Thank you!

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