15. The First Clue

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Song: I'll fly with you by Gigi D'Agostino
(You all should definitely listen to this song! It's soul touching. ❤)

I ran back to our room when I left Archer in the basement. More like, he kicked me out. Closing the door, I sat down on my bed in deep thought. I had no idea what Archer was doing and my curiosity led me to do some Internet search on the topic. After ten minutes, I came across an article.

Bo staff : Bo which is a staff is a weapon used in Japanese Martial Arts for Bojutsu. Chinese Martial Arts used the term staff or gun in Kung fu or gongfu, wushu or traditional.

Archer was an expert at using a Bo staff. It seemed like he had strict training. Who might have taught him all this? When did he learn this?

My head was swarming with a million questions, so I decided to check the room for any sign about his past. I know it's wrong to go through his stuff like that, but I just have to find out everything. Every little piece that will take me a step closer to him, to his past, is extremely valuable.

I started with his desk and it's drawers, but a thought occurred to me. If his past is so important to him that he can't share a single word about it, he might have kept everything related to it in a safe place, instead of a stupid drawer.

But I could not think of any such place. My most accurate guess was that there must be something interesting and valuable in the basement, nothing in this room. I was going through his clothes, when a sound interrupted me.

Ring-ring. Ring - ring.

Oh! Thank God, it's just my phone!

My phone ringing caught me off guard and I accidentally dropped Archer's jacket that I was keeping aside while looking for any clue in his wardrobe. My heart was beating so fast that I could hear it. With shaking hands, I scrambled all over the room to grab my phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" I said breathlessly, as I received the call from an unknown number.

"Hey Olivia! It's Blake, Remember me?" I heard a brief but beautiful laugh from the other line.

I laughed at his stupid question,"Hey Blake, how can I not remember you? So, why did you call me?" I asked in one go, still curious about Archer and wanting to continue my search.

"Calm down tiger, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Uh... you know, I have to attend school soon and I ...um... still have to get ready and everything." I stuttered.

"Okay, I will make it fast then. I just wanted to apologize for that day at the carnival. We shouldn't have fought."

"It's fine, Blake. Although, I will still like to know the reason behind the fight. "

"Olivia... I told you I can't tell you that.."

"Okay Blake, bye then. I will talk to you later. "

"No, No! Wait, how about we meet tomorrow evening?"

"I can't. Remember, I am in Washington right now? Although we can meet in two days, on Saturday maybe?"

"Oh yes! You are in DC. Sure, how about the firehouse café around 5?"

"Sure, I'll be there, with a long list of questions."

"And I will be there to answer them.Um...Is it like...uh... Is it a date then?" I heard him laugh nervously.

I hesitated but soon gave in," It's a date"

"I'll see you there.Goodbye, Oli."

"Bye Blakey-boy. "

I threw my phone across the room, on my bed and picked up Archer's jacket that I had dropped to keep it back in it's place as to not get him suspicious.

I was keeping it back in his closet, when I saw something creeping out of his jacket's pocket. It was a worn out picture, a picture of a young Archer and what seemed to be his parents, his mother had a little girl in her arms. His father seemed to be a well built man. There was something wrong with that picture, but I couldn't put my finger on it. The family was not happy, none of them were smiling. The whole setting seemed to be off.

I snapped a picture of this photograph quickly with my phone and kept all of Archer's stuff back in it's place.

This was my first clue and cranking my mind for any possible connection with this picture, picturing all the possible scenarios. I lied down on my bed and was absolutely clueless.

I heard the sound of footsteps from outside and hoped that it was not Archer, but all my hope came crashing down as I heard him enter.

He was in the room and didn't acknowledge my presence. He just ignored me and I had no problem with that. I was actually kind of glad. The fear of entering his paradise without consent was already eating me alive and I didn't want to pester him further.

Sooner than I realized, it was time for the classes to start and I couldn't be happier.


"Mom, no." As usual, my mom decided to convince me to do things I didn't want to do.

"But Olivia honey, I have it just picked out for you. "

"Mom, I don't care." I said rolling my eyes as I entered my empty room after a tiresome day. My relationship with my mother is not exactly the best.

"Okay, honey, don't wear that dress to the wedding, but you will have to do one thing for me."

"Tell me, mom. " I sighed.

"I just came to know that when my best friend went to Chicago, she adopted a child five years ago. He now is around your age only. I want you to meet him and talk to him at the wedding."

"Don't you think it's a little to early to play matchmaker, mom? I mean, I am still in high school. "

"Who says I am playing matchmaker? I just think that he might be a good guy and worth talking to." Oh, mother.

"Fine mom, I will talk to this guy. Bye for now. "

"Bye dear. You are still coming on Saturday, right? We have to go shopping on Saturday, the wedding is on Sunday! I can't believe ho- "

"Yes, I am coming. Bye, mom. "

It's time to talk to Emily and Eric, my only possible saviors at this moment. Only they can help me solve this whole situation, I thought and didn't waste another second in calling them.

A/N: Thanks for reading. :)
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