24. Dancing Gorilla

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He grabbed my hand and lightly tugged on it, while leading us forward towards a corner.

There weren't many people around, so I heaved out a sigh of relief but before I knew it, he placed both his hands on my waist. I looked up blankly at him, leaving both my hands by my side. He grabbed them and placed it on his shoulders.

His hands were back on my waist, making me feel all giddy. Before I could catch my breath, he suddenly started moving lightly, making me move along with him.

I can't walk in heels, let alone dance. This seemed like a dream which I was sure won't end well.

We lightly moved to the music, and I looked around awkwardly.

"We are gonna take it slow. Okay?" He whispered.

"Okay." I whispered back absentmindedly but suddenly registered what he said.

My voice raised. "Take it slow? What else are you going to make me do?! This is enough." I panicked, losing my balance but he caught me before I could trip. I felt like a clumsy dancing gorilla.

His lips raised up to form the smirk that I was now used to and he chuckled under his breath."Don't worry, I won't let you fall."

I calmed down and nodded my head. The song soon changed and his hand caught hold of mine. His one hand was on my waist. My other hand was gripping his shoulder.

"Oh no." I started freaking out.

This song was much faster than the last one. He moved like an eel, taking me with him. We smoothly glided through the crowd, drawing attention towards us. What is this, ballroom dancing?

I cringed as I thought how I would be looking right now. He raised an eyebrow at my weirdly disgusted expression.

I shook my head, indicating that it was nothing.

We waltzed around lightly and he stopped and twirled me around. The sudden action, made me excited and I started smiling uncontrollably.

He smiled with me and we moved around more. I felt like I was in a movie as I would have never done this in my life. I broke my gaze from his hazel eyes and slightly looked around, noticing that everyone was looking at us. We were the centre of attention.

The attention did not make me pukish for once. Instead of welcoming stage fright, I welcomed a strangely proud feeling.

The song was coming to an end, and Archer looked at me and smiled brighter than ever before.


"Yes." I replied, understanding what he was trying to say.

He spinned me around once more, making me move away from him as he held me by my hand with a light but assuring grip and then swiftly pulled me in, making my dress twirl gracefully.

I lightly bumped into his chest and for the final move, he pushed me down for a dip. I stayed in the position for a few seconds and the song ended. I stood up straight and we both faced the crowd who were gawking at us in awe.

I felt bad for drawing away the attention from Oliver and Lucy, but the both smiled widely at us. Lucy winked at me from across the hall, and my cheeks darkened. Archer noticed her wink and let out a strained laugh that he covered by a cough.

I moved away from him, planning to go die in some corner but he followed me and started walking next to me.

"You did a pretty great job out there." He said and beamed at me, showing off his perfectly aligned and white teeth.

"You were not that bad yourself. Th-" I began to say but was interrupted by my extremely loud mother who emerged out of the crowd.

"Olivia! Honey, listen!" She said loudly, her eyes falling on Archer who was standing next to me. She instantly started smiling.

"Yes, mom?" I said annoyed, hoping that she won't comment about his presence.

"Won't you introduce me to your friend? I didn't know you had a boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes at her. She was the one who asked me to talk to him and now she is acting all clueless. My mother was such a headache sometimes.

"Mom, he is not my boy-" I started but was interrupted by Archer.

"Sorry, Mrs. Thompson. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I am Archer, Archer Evans, Oliver's brother."

"Oh, how lovely! It's absolutely great to meet you Archer!"

"The pleasure is all mine, ma'am."

"Oh dear, call me Cathy! Anyway, Olivia, I wanted to give you your phone! Someone has been consistently calling you for the past hour."

"Thanks, mom." She handed me my clutch and I took out my phone.

I saw around ten missed calls and a few messages from Blake. I quickly opened the messages to see what was the emergency. My eyes widened as I saw the text and I instantly turned to face my mom.

"Mom, give me the keys to our car! I have to go somewhere!"

"What's the hurry? Can't it wait? I really don't think leaving in the middle of the reception wi-"

"It really is an emergency, I have to hurry!"

"Sorry dear, but I sent the car back home. I can ask your aunt's chauffeur to bring it back but it might take half an hour to do so."

I nodded my head. "It's okay, I will find some other way to leave." I said and turned around.

I walked around quickly, and exited the wedding area, to go to the parking lot.

I felt someone's presence near me and  a hand tapped on my shoulder.

"Do you need a ride?"

"Yes, please." I replied and followed Archer to his car.

A/N: Double update!

Please ignore any spelling mistakes or errors. Feel free to correct me and give suggestions.

Gif : Cinderella and price charming, sorry, I mean Olivia and Archer dancing. :P

Song: Endless love by Lionel Richie ft. Shania Twain.❤

How I am gonna dance on my wedding if I ever got married:

How I am gonna dance on my wedding if I ever got married:

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