here we go!

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Ravens POV

I woke up to usual sound of Robin yelling at us to get up i roll over to check the time. 5am. Ugh training.i know Robin wont be too particular about our uniforms this early so i just put on some purple yoga pants and a purple spaghetti strap singlet top, if its not purple its either back or a dark blue.i go downstairs to Robin yelling at beast boy for not taking training seriously, to be honest either would i at this hour but today he is being more harsh than he usually is. Whats up with him?As soon as he stopped barking orders at beast boy i try to ask him why Robin was so uptight but all i could do was wave! why must i be inlove with the most hyperactive,irritatingly cute, hippie that we all call beast boy.

Beast Boy POV 

I swear something other than crime is bugging Robin today and for some reason he decided to take it out on me! Like dude take a chill- pill and just relax for a day, or maybe a month, maybe a year! Jeez what ever is bugging him needs to go away cause i dont want to live through the torture that is his ultra high tech training facility on hard mode! My heart instantly exploded when raven entered the room DAMN THOSE LEGS THOUGH MAMA she should not wear her cape no often WOO! she looks like shes going to come and talk to me but she started walking up to star fire who robin is letting sit out for today, just cause shes robins girlfriend doesnt mean that she can miss every singe training session!

Raven POV

Robin makes this training session extra difficult because we cant use our powers, im ok with it as back on Azerath the monks taught me karate and jujitsu. beast boy is going to obviously struggle so i will help him when i can (and also while robin isnt looking as he isnt in a good mood) cyborg has been told that he cant use his powers so that means he has to use his prosthetic leg and arm the the doctors first gave him after the accident. 

we begin at the starting line 3.....2....1.....TITANS GO!

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