Wheres bb and rea?

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Cyborg POV
after talking to bb I haven't seen him all day, come to think of it I haven't seen Rea either.
I'm probably the only one that she lets cal her Rea as we kinda have a connection, obviously not like her and bb but like a sisterly closeness like she understands what it's like to be devoted to something so much that you love it like my beautiful baby (my t-car). Rea helps me sometimes with servicing and adding modifications like the sweet audio I put in it, the best base in all of jump city! Seriously if someone asked me about my car I would spend hours talking about it but we have a serious mystery on our hands,

Beastboy POV
I slowly start to wake up as I realise that I'm not alone, I slowly open my eyes and look down. Then everything comes back to me, the hospital, the words. The kiss.
While I gather all of these thoughts up together up in my head I feel something moving underneath me so I panic and close my eyes and pretend to be still sleeping when the rustling  stops after a few seconds I open my eyes and see a beautiful Raven looking at me. " good morning gar" she said in her cute yet sexy monotone voice. "Good morning my beautiful" I reply, I can clearly see my little Rea blushing...
Wait I called her "my little rea?!" Wow I really caught myself saying that?! I guess that's what love does to how oh think ha!

Raven POV
I am woken up by Garfield moving beside me, I give a hint to him that I'm awake by moving abit but I must of startled him and he kinda froze in a position. I prop my self on my elbows and wait a few seconds before speaking.
2 minutes later

I cannot believe he called me his beautiful that means that I am his and to be honest that's the most amazing thing someone could say to me. That they trust me enough to to love me and care for me. He has tried to flirt with me before back when trigon was alive but back then I couldn't control my emotions so I had to hide from him. Now trigon is gone I can be as emotional as I god damn want without something breaking or a vortex opening by the way don't ever get me angry that might still happen!

we walk together hand in hand kissing and cuddling down the hallway until we reach the conmon area where the rest of the Titans are waiting for us.

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