Adonis pt2

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Beastboy POV

I regain my consciousness but i am unable to move. i smell smoke and burnt rubber, i hear screams from all around me but one stands out from the rest.


I tell my muscles to move, the movement makes me groan in pain. I force myself to get up off of the sidewalk and i look around. I quickly find adonis (cause he is really big) standing ontop of a small building repeatedly ramming a van into the side of a skyscraper. A small scream escaped the hole in the buiding. No, no no no not her. Tell me she didnt come after me. I cant live with myself if something happened to her. I ready myself to attack adonis, i change into the beast. this time i was the one in control. I feel a small popping sensation on my foot. i look down and the residue of a spell bubble was forming on the ground. Raven. I turn around, adonis continued bashing the van into the building alerting me that raven must still be alive.

i coming for you raven, im coming.

Robin POV

I call Starfire and Cyborg and tell them the situation. We send the plans to both raven and beastboy hoping that they would read the plan and take action. They wait for my signal. i clear my throat.


We all race out of the tower, the location isnt that hard to spot. there is alot of smoke and police cars headed that way. i direct the titans to the location. as we get closer the screams become louder and louder. The scene we arrive at is gruesome and overwhelming which isnt all that surprising. i spot beastboy as the beast starring at adonis who seems to be smashing a small truck repeatedly into the skyscraper, beastboy must known the reason he is smashing the truck into the building so i decide the rest of the titans and myself will take care of the people who are hurt on the street.

Raven POV

my force field is only going to last a little while longer at the rate and the strength that adonis is pounding the vehicle into the wall behind me. i feel myself only getting weaker and weaker. I need help quickly, I won't be able to hold it much longer...

Adonis POV (that sneaky lil biatch u ain't good enough for a POV!)

AHAHAHA it looks like Beastboy's little bird won't be able to fly much longer! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees her lying dead on the ground! Oh, look! The defenceless Beastboy is trying to get up! How cute! How PATHETIC. I'm glad I decided to shoot him during his training (OH BISH U BOUTA GET SLAAAPED 4 DAT), it made him weaker. Ahaha this only makes it oh so much easier..

Beastboy POV

I stare the idiot down, he's gonna get it duuuude and where it hurts too. I charge at him, I leap up the building taking him by surprise. I knock him over a punch him square in the (ya know...hehe he won't be able to walk for a while now huh!). He screams, I use this to my advantage. While he is writhing in agony I take Raven from the side of the building into my arms, she looks up to me. A faint smile rises on her lips before she closed her eyes. For now I can only hoe she is unconscious. I sit her down in a safe spot and turn around.

I need to win this fight.

Raven POV

I can't hold it anymore..... My force field shatters. Adonis isn't done with me. He lifts his hand forming a fist and smirks, he knows he has won. He brings his fist down.

Blackness hits me.

When I open my eyes again I can see buildings fly past me. I look up and I see Beastboy in the beast form. I smile, at least he is still alive. That's all I could ever wish for, but me on the other hand. I feel my eyes getting heavy, my body is giving up on me. This is it.

I'm sorry Garfield, I lost the fight.

Hey guys!
Woah what? A cliff hanger you wanted sure! Well here you go!
I guess I don't really have a legitament reason to why I haven't already posted this other than being busy and writers block. I'm sorry guys but at least it's the end of the story soon! Yay who's excited??
Thankyou for sticking with this book, I know I don't have that good of a schedule but  I wouldn't had gotten this far if it wasn't for two very special people that I often thank but I will thank now.

antisocial_princess and Jordanissoonfire Thankyou guys for sticking with me for so long and for putting up with my shit. I love you guys to the ends of the earth.

Welp see you guys in the next chapter.


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