why doesnt anything go to plan?

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beastboy POV

everyone jumped at the loud explosion that happened outside totaly unprepared for the shock wave that came after it, when it hit i fell to the floor holding onto raven as tight as i could but it wasnt enough she  went flying across the room and smashed into a wall, my worst nightmare was happening right infront of me, raven let out a blood curdling scream and called out for me. i race over to her as she sits up she reveals a large cut on her fore head, i rip the bottom of my shirt to clean it.

Raven POV 

i start to sit up and bb runs over to me and tells me that theres a cut om my head and rips part of his shirt off the cover it up when his comuticator goes off, its cyborg telling us that they are fighting whatever that shock wave came from, beasty tels him that we will be there as soon as possible, "Can you stand up?" he asks with a deep concern in his voice. "ill be fine" i tell him and give him a weak smile, i slowly get up and start to run out the door.

Beastboy POV

as we race out of the diner im not totally sure that raven is ok,she seems to be in pain, but i dont ask her because she is probably getting  her thoughts straight to battle . i change into an animal and then change back, as thats how i hide my uniform, raven just uses a spell which changes only into her uniform which is cool, we arrive at the battle site and as soon as i see who we are battling i instantly go red with rage, i hate him so much he almost took raven away from me.


Raven POV

i see who is making all of this havoc, oh no beastboy isnt going to like this, i look over to him and see the anger in his eyes, the last time we faced adonis he came to attack me and beastboy turned  into this monster and saved me, i know exacty what is going to happen but i try to stop him from turning into it but i was too late. there before me was the most terrifying creature stood before me, i got too close, he knocked me out of the way and i smashed smashed yet again into a wall and everything went black........................................................... beastboy? 

Hello everyone! i am only updating because my amazing friend emo_space_princess requested me to update so there you go! haha im going to get into soo much trouble from here cause its short!sorry lily! plz i want to know who actually reads this so comment!


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