what have i done?

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beastboys POV 

i carry rea into the common room in a fit of laughter, but nothing lasts forever. robin is with the rest of the team, with a more angryier face then usual. i gulp and lets raven softly down.

something was wrong...

Robin POV (suprise!!!!)

i had just saw what damage beastboy had created with a of the cameras planted all over the city he has really stuffed up this time.

Raven POV

his laughter stops, there's something wrong. i cant feel it, i immediately reach out for his hand. "whats wrong?" i asked, genuinly wanted to know what was wrong this time. theres an intensity to robins face that is only seen every so often. he points the remote to a screen and an image of a boy is plastered onto it. "do you know who this person is?" robin said in a stern voice, i feel that beastboy is terrified. i hold his hand tighter and he does the same. "no" beasty said with alot of uncertainty.

Beastboy POV 

"this is Anthony, he was 13 and on his way to school when he was killed, now how did he die you may ask? well he was thrown out of the way when he was in the middle of  a battle between adonis and


HEY GUYS sorry for the short chapter, im really sick and i thought i would also leave you in suspence hopefully, shout out to antisocial_princess who loves to tell me that i need to update! thanks to her i never miss a friday without posting! ps my L key hardly works so im sorry for all of the speling mistakes.


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