Umm team meeting?

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Beastboy POV

We walk into the main room and see robin talking to the rest of the team, they seem weirded out or something, i can tell something isnt right. Robin continues talking about Slade again, he has been years since we defeated Slade but he still is on edge and i think hes about to crack. We walk into the kitchen. Rea as usual makes a pot of tea, i put a cup beside her indicating that i would like some but she doesnt get why so i end up telling her. "Can i have some?" i ask not knowing what the answer and a little terrified what it would be. "yea sure but i dont think you would like it though" "dont worry ive maybe sorta been having secret cups of it, it is suprisingly sweet! i didnt expect it to be like that" "haha well im full of suprises" "well i like my girls like that, wait wait DID YOU JUST LAUGH AT SOMETHING I JUT SAID?!?!" "well, i did say i was full of surprises didnt it?

Robin POV

  Beastboy and raven walk in holding hands and leaning on each other, i cant believe that they are completely oblivious to what i am talking about. Slade has been sighted and i was alerting the team about it when i hear snickering from the kitchen, raven and beastboy are at it again with their lovey-dovey stuff and ive had enough of it, star and i arent this public about our relationship. they need to be more aware of the fact that i have valueable info about the person that we have NEVER BEEN ABLE TO CATCH. i need to ask beastboy whats happening between them so i beckon them over.

Raven POV

beasty has been trying jokes on me as we were sipping tea, i am really surprised that he actually enjoys it , maybe i was wrong, ha maybe next time we will be taller than me he is catching up he doesnt really have to stand on his tip toes when reaching for something anymore! Robin calls us over, i wonder whats it about now, probaby slade. "so why all of the affection, is there something your not telling us?" oh god i look at bb for an answer and he clears his throat, he knows me well enough that i dont like speaking about this kind of stuff. 


"well um guys we have something to tell you......... raven and i are dating." we wait for what seems like forever for a reaction when starfire speaks up "that is the wonderful friends! i hope your relationship will blossom like the beautiful roses in which grow in the spring!!" star is of course over enthusiastic about the issue " dudes if your both happy then im happy" cyborg is always open to relationships which is lucky for us. Robin dissmissed us and we ran back to beast boys room full of giggles, when the doors closed we let out all of the laughing that we were holding back. 

Beastboys POV

i realised something and decided to do on it staight away, i grab raes waist from behind and pull her close to me and hug her i kiss her ear lightly and she lets out a giggle, " do you know what we havent done yet?" i say in her ear "why no i dont think ive forgotten anything?" she said matter of factly "well we havent gone on our first date yet!" "i dont think we have! when do you suppose we make this we ahve this date huh?" "how about tomorrow meet me on the roof top at 6? i would tell you to wear something pretty but you are already more stunning than a dress so i cant complain about that!" "ok thats sounds like a plan! but i do suggest you take a shower though!" i cant argue with that! i give her a quick kiss and she leaves my room. 



hey guys another chapter done, theres more to come so dont worry, its a long weekend so thats 4 chapters!! yay! 

special thanks to the utterly beautiful and talented emo_space_princess for constanty telling me that i needed to update and for being an amazing person in genereal, i wouldnt of ever made an account and started writing if it wasnt for her, thankyou lily <3 <3 <3 


i told you ill have it out before 11pm xx mady

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