i hurt her?

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Beastboy POV
All I remember is that I saw that prick Adonis and blacked out, I start to feel and here what's going on around me. I try to move but something is holding me down, I open my eyes and see that I am restrained to a steel table. I look around me and all the other titans are in the room. Robin is pacing up and down the room, cyborg is checking the computers and starfire is.. Looking over someone layer out on the bed. Who is it?  I wait for star to move to see.......  Raven!  No!

What have I done?!

Raven POV
I first hear the beeping of the machines, then the rest of the teem talking and wait, sobbing? I open my eyes and sit straight up, knowing who's sobs it is, robin is at the restraint table holding  a crying Beastboy repeating one slur of jumbled up words, I can only just make it out over all of the stuttering and sobbing, what didn't help was that he was muffled by robins cape. I am completely distraught then I realised what I heard, he said it with so much sadness.

I can't believe I hurt her

Hey guys, I know it's only short but I'm write another chapter as you are reading this and I will upload it as soon as possible. Thankyou to my brilliant bear 🐻 emo_space_princess she makes amazing stories and I love her very much❤️❤️.


Thankyou bear😘❤️

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