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Beast boy POV

"TITANS GO!" Screams robin as I start racing up the long hall, it looked simple but knowing robin he's probably put some crazy stuff  in this. Raven is going so good at this! What did she learn on Azerath? She's scaling the walls, kicking down random pop-up things and also with non of her creepy dark magic too. I swear if she was anymore perfect I would die.

Raven POV

Robin has put so many pop-ups in this training exercise, sometimes I think he forgets the difference between exercise and and an actual battle. BB was struggling I could tell, I helped him over a few walls already but everytime I helped him robin noticed and shook his head at me ugh sometimes I wish I could banish him  to another dimension!
Maybe I should show BB some moves other wise robin might kick him out of the titans and I really don't want that to happen.

Robins POV

what's the problem with beast boy he can't get over any of the walls without Ravens help. Cyborg is one of my best titans I can't deny that he's strong, athletic and can make a mean meatloaf, better than Batman could! Of course I would keep star fire with me cause she's my girlfriend plus that most beautiful girl in the universe! We've been saying for 2 years after we came back from Tokyo when we defeated that giant ink monster, I'm going to propose to her but I haven't got all the details yet, not even the ring! Oh crap the training! It's almost finished anyways.

Beast Boy POV

I can see the Finnish line from here only about a meter left when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach I look down to see blood coming out of a cut, I see Raven calling me name and running towards me when everything goes black

Hello!! How's the story going? Anyone wanting more? Well your going to have to wait to see what's happens to beast boy until Friday!!! Well my Friday might be your Saturday or Thursday but I'll try to get it out on a Friday so yea!! Shout out to pixelated_whiskers and Jordanissoonfire who have supported me to write more! This chapter is for you two❤️

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