So Mr and Mrs Logan or Roth?!

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Cyborg POV
whatever just happened I know mr grass stain won very big within the last like 2 minutes! All I did was jokingly ask if they were dating and they said yes and Raven ran off! I'm now staring at bb who is still in shock starin out the door. " hey bb?" I asked " yeah cy?" "Did you just score Rea as your girlfriend?" "Oh my god dude I think I did!" "HIGH FIVE DUDE!" "YEAH!!"
Wow congrats bb! I really thought he would never get over terra! I just have one thing to ask him" Mr or Mrs Roth or Logan?¿"

Raven POV
To calm myself down I meditate for about 5 minutes when I hear someone open my door, only one Titan other than me knows my passcode.
" so I see cyborg let you out early?" I say in my monotoned voice. "Yeah he said I should go and attend to 'certain issues' which I think he ment by you!" He says quite cheerfully, it's nice to see what has happened he can still be cheerful, sadly that's what I've fallen in love with. "So, uh, about the-"  I interrupt him " Stop I want to say something before you start" I say, clearing my throat I begin " if you want to forget what happened in the hospital wing you can but I want an answer to why you said yes to us dating and kissing me back---____  I was interrupted my Beastboys lips crashing into mine I was taken by surprise first but then I started to kiss back because apparently that's what's ment to happen now.

Beastboy POV
I wanted to kiss Raven so badly but I waited for the right time for it so before it got awkward and really boring I kissed her and DUDE it was so good! Better than last time too! She kissed back earlier and more passionately than last time too, it seems like forever until we part for air then it started to get awkward for two seconds but luckily Rae knew before me and started talking " I have a confession to make and you can take it or leave it, it's up to you how you take it and-" " Rea I love you!" I blurt out crap! I'm such an idiot she hates me now I know it! " Oh thank god!" She sighed in what I hope was relief?! Luckily it was and she gave me one of her 'famous cuddles' that she only gives to star fire. I can see why they are famous then! For a cold hearted person she sure gives warm hugs! I hugged back and after a little while we slowly started falling asleep in each other's arms.

Hey peoples! This is yet another chapter and I hoped you all liked it and I will update as soon as possible!
If you want to suggest what happens next feel free to suggest in the comments and if I think it fits with what I'm thinking  on doing ! This chapter is dedicated the the amazing emo_space_princess 1- because this is your actual birthday chapter 2- just check out her stories before she deletes them all!

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