no way dude

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Beastboy POV

my word is turned upside down, i killed someone? The tower starts to spin. I lose my balance. Blackness.

Raven POV
Beastboy doesn't look to good, he starts  to look around the place frantically, he stops and stares at me for a couple of seconds before he falls to the ground. "BEASTBOY!" I yell. I try to catch him but I'm too slow.hes head hits the ground.

Hey guys I'm sorry it's been a while and the chapter is really short, I just haven't had time with life and school, I'll update regularly from now on!
How many people want to see my face? If it gets up to 5 vote/like I will


shout out to antisocial_princess and Jordanissoonfire as they are very good friends and I don't know what I would do without them

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