Did somebody say date night?

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Beastboy POV

It's 5pm so I start to slowly get ready by taking a shower and choosing what to wear. I decide with a purple and green nirvana tshirt (fitting seeing that Rea likes purple and I like green) and some black skinny jeans, I comb back my already messy hair with some gel and start to put the finishing touches on the night, so far I've found a quiet nook in a forest that you can book for dates and proposals and I thought it would be a nice place for a first date, I have made our dinner and chose all of Ravens favourite foods to put in the basket. This is going to be great!!

Raven POV
It's 5pm so I start to get ready I've already started by  having a shower , I was really stuck on what to wear because I haven't really ever wore a dress before so I asked star fire to help " Oh friend Raven! I do accept the supposed challenge of dressing you for that date!" So now star is picking out my dress when she comes across a beautiful mid length black 50's swing dress with purple polka dots and  frills at the bottom. I immediately knew that it was the dress, we soon matched it with some flats because I would probably die if I wore heels. Star goes full out and curls my kinda long now hair And puts make up on my face it feels wider at first but then I just got used to it. After star is finished I go up to the roof because that is what I was told to do, when I open the door to the roof I find something amazing sitting right in front of me.

Beastboy POV
I hear footsteps coming from the stair case so I get everything in postition when the door opens I stare at the beautiful person standing in front of me, she looked more  gorgeous than ever before! "Hey beautiful shall we go?" I ask with a grin on my face. "Oh hello handsome I believe that it would be wise to start going now!" Aww I love it when she acts all proper and English! It makes her more unique than before. "Jump on my back my lady?" I turn into a teredactyl and she gets on my back.

we flew into the sunset to where the date was hoping that they will both have a good time or will it all fail?

Hey guys I hope I left you in some kind of suspense. Special thanks the adorable emo_space_princess  for helping me with the plot for this long weekend chapter fest she makes brilliant books GO CHECK THEM OUT see you guys tomorrow


Thanks lily ❤️❤️

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