Well its not a secret anymore!

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Raven POV

As soon as I hear Beastboys voice I completely flipped out and I did the most stupidest thing possible to do.
I kissed him
He's lips were cold yet soft very green, no surprise there. I felt electricity rush though my vains as through I have been electrocuted. Then the most amazing thing happened, he started kissing back!

Beastboy POV

Someone's lips collided with mine, electricity zapped my whole body so I started to kiss back and man it was one of the best decisions of my life! That and secretly drinking rea's tea it's soooooo good!
I open my eyes to see who this person was and standing with her eyes locked into mine was the most beautiful girl in the existence of the human race.


Raven POV

We end the deep kiss when we hear cyborg clearing his throat. "Well I'm guessing Beastboy is awake?" He says almost sounding oblivious to what happened in his tone.
"Yea he is....um I'm just gonna go" I say really quickly, as I start to walk out something grabs my hand "Rea please don't go!" He pleaded with his widest puppy eyes, he knows I can't say no to them. " fine but only because you asked me to" I say. I sit down beside the bed as cyborg starts with asking questions and running test, oh and did I mention he was holding my hand ALL through it?!

Hey guys! I know it's short but that's because you lucky people got a chapter a few hours ago! IVE ALMOST GOT 100 READS!!!! Special thanks to emo_space_princess and Jordanissoonfire for:
- being my actual irl friends
-and constantly wanting a new chapter

You guys should Check them out they have very good phan fics about DANISNOTONFIRE and AMAZINGPHIL!
Until next chapter byeeeeeeee

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