This cant be the end...

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Beast boy POV
Her eyes sparkled as tears melted down her beautiful face. She reaches out to me and touches my face. She's ice cold. There's nothing I can do is there? I place a kiss on her lips. It's bittersweet. I know she won't make it and she knows that herself. I don't want her to die.  I want to grow old with her, I don't want her to die. I look down at Raven, she's so limp. Her face suddenly turns from a calmed sadness into fear. She was about to speak before her body stopped moving. She doesn't want to die...

I start to freak.

I don't want her to die.

She's not going to die.

Not on my watch.

I pick her up as delicately as possible and turn into a kangaroo. I place her in my pouch and start bounding down the street. I jump passed the street where it all happened. I hear robin call out to me then call to the rest of the team. They all start following shortly behind me. I have to make it to the tower in time. There has to be something cy can do right? Star has powers as well as Raven right? Someone can do something to save her right? Not before long we reach the tower. I put in the access code and race towards the infirmary. I place we down on the bed. The team runs in shortly after, each of them catching their breath.

Please don't die.

Raven POV
The cold wind of a summers afternoon passes through my hair. I tried to move the best I could but I couldn't. I can't even open my eyelids. I feel as though I'm flying through the air, a sharp breath came from above me. I come to the conclusion that I'm not dead. The flying comes to a holt and I can hear the sounds of the towers security system. Once inside the tower I remember my spell book. My spell book. MY SPELL BOOK. It has a death reversing spell in it! I try to open my eyes the best I can but alas it still doesn't work. I was placed on what feels like the infirmary bed. I know someone is in there with me so I try my hardest to move and speak.

"My.. now"
I manage to croak out my sentence before I feel my body send me into darkn....................

Beastboy POV
I sit by her bed. I don't know what to do. I don't want her to die, if she does there would be no point in life any-

"My.. now"

She spoke.. SHE SPOKE. I need to get Raven her spell book, I don't care what for ,she wants it and I hope there is a way of saving her in it too. I turn the corner and run the Ravens room. Once the door opens I race inside and grab the big old book from the pedestal near her bookshelf. I race back towards the infirmary.

Robin POV (guess who's back, back again)
We all sit inside the infirmary anxiously waiting for Beastboy to return with Ravens book. Star sits beside me with a single tear rolling down her face. I can't stand it when she's upset, I take her hand in mine and wipe the tear away.

" don't cry star, we will find a way to save her alright?"

I just hear star reply 

"Okay "
Star rests her head on my shoulder and cries a bit more.

beastboy comes running down the hall with Ravens book, he yells at us to help him sit her up. Cyborg checks the medical machines readying them incase whatever happens now saves Raven.

Beastboy POV
I tell robin and star to sit Rae up in the bed. Her eyes slowly start to open. I place the book carefully onto her lap, I move up to her cheek and kiss it lightly. She returns the affection with a small smile.

A gust of wind sweeps through the infirmary. It Swirls around the windowless room and twirls through the pages of the book. The wind disappears leaving the page open In front of Raven.
All the lights in the room flicker off and a bright purple glow shines from underneath the bed. Another wind picks up and scoops Raven up from the bed. The purple glow become brighter and three words that I've heard for the majority of my life are called out.


The light becomes brighter and the wind becomes stronger. The machines rattle and the gang all hold onto each other.
It all stops and Raven falls to the bed.
Cyborg rushes to her side and plugs in all of the machines to monitor her heartbeat. I sit down beside the bed once more.

A small pulse flashes on the screen, I smile and globs of tears steam down from my eyes. Ravens body shifted around on the bed an her eyes opened.
Her beautiful Lilac eyes shone into my emerald pupils an a smile crept up on both of our faces. I lent down and kiss her on the cheek.
"You missed numnut"
I giggled and leaned down again and kissed her now warm lips.

"I love you Raven"

"I love you too Beastboy"

Hey guys!
So that's it I guess! I'm so sorry it took me forever to Finnish the story but it's done now!! In the middle of writing this story I had fallen out of the fandom  but I knew I had to Finnish this. I hope you all enjoyed the story and thank you to everyone that has taken the time to read it I appreciate every single one of you.

If you guys want me to write a epilogue I'll be more than happy to and it will be published shortly ❤️


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