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Raven POV 

knowing that there is nothing wrong with me i jump out of the bed and run over to beast boy, i pull him away from robin and carry him to my room, he is surprisingly light for a 14 year old boy full of muscle. he doesnt realise that he had been moved until the door shuts and i place him on my bed. he looks up with tear stained cheeks, this breaks my heart and i start to cry. he pulls me into a hug and he grips me tighter than usual, we are a ball of soggy teenagers.

Beastboy POV 

i grip raven with all of my might, i don't want this to be a illusion, not again. i want her to be in my arms for reals this time. after a while i open my eyes to see a half sleeping raven gently nestled in my arms, i cant believe that im looking at her! i was absolutely horrified when i realised i hurt her so much she was unconscious for 3 whole hours! i gently kiss her forehead and fell back to sleep the only thing that was on my mind was her. 


raven POV

i wake up and my room is dark, i try to untangle my hand from the ball that we have fallen asleep in and raise it up at enough height to just flick my wrist, as i flick my wrist the lights slowly start to brighten up the room, as soon as the lights are bright enough for me to see around my room beastboy wakes up. " good morning rea" he said it sounding relieved " whats wrong?" i asked " i thought i was going to lose you rea, and i was the reason why you almost died and i didnt mean to hurt you and i-" " garfield i know that you would never want to hurt me and i will never hurt you, it was an accident and i forgive you". i see the relief in his eyes after i said that, he pulls me into a hug and i dont ever want to let go.

beastboy POV

i suggest that we might need to go out to the common room and raven agrees but theres one slight problem "i dont wanna mooove!!" moans raven, she said it as if she was a little child secretly wanting to do something. "oh really?" "yeah my legs wont work, i guess you gonna have to carry me to the kitchen!" haha thats the catch of her trying to be extra cute! i give in to the cuteness, i turn to her and pick her up and throw her onto my chest, she squeals and bursts into laughter "only cause you are the most cutest thing i have ever seen!!" i know that will make her blush and it did, i ajust her in my arms then start to walk out of her room.


we were in a fit of laughter and beastboy carried raven through the halls to the main room, not knowing of the trouble outside of the tower.

HEY PEOPLES!!! how are you all? good? cause IVE GOT 299 READS ON THIS STORYYYY!!!! YAY!!! by the time you read this its probably over 300!! thankyou every one who has chosen to read this story i cant believe it would get this many reads! a big thankyou to my amazingly talented little cherry pie (supernatural reference coughcoughDEANcoughcough) antisocial_princess for always supporting me and helping me without even realising, see you guys next friday!


i am your cherry pie <3 


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