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Raven POV

i quickly flick through the dusty pages of the spell book. "HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN THIS BLIND?!" i yell to myself. i start gathering the ingredients i need to complete the incantation. purifying chalk, soul crystals, the right spell and something that belonged to the person that you wanted to spy upon.

i quietly make a run for beast boy's room and i close the door behind me swiftly. i start to look around for something that he wouldnt know if it went missing. i look everywhere but only one thing seems to be catching my eye so i grad it and run back to my room as silently as possible.

i draw a pentagram with the purifying chalk, i put on the soul crystals (i decided the best way to use them was to wear them as a necklace) and step inside the pentagram and place the item in the center. As soon as the item on the floor the lines drawn in chalk start glowing a deep purple and the room goes black.

i start chanting the incantation and a sudden breeze starts the come up, sending little chills up and down my body. i chant the spell louder and the breeze turns into a wind that gets stronger and stronger every time i shout. the pentagram glows brighter with every line as well. the light has now become so bright it is blinding. i say the spell one last time as loud as i can and the item lifts into the air and begins to spin and a little black portal starts to form in the middle, it gets bigger and bigger every second.

i peer into the portal to see a very familiar street in catastrophe once again. i start looking around for beastboy when a little green glob catches my attention on the ground. its beastboy! but someone else is with him. no! no anyone but him! Adonis is the whole reason he is is this mess!

i quickly grab my cloak, open my door and i race up to the roof. i leap off of the building and fly to where beastboy is. i just hope he is okay!

hey guys, long time no see hey! sorry school went back and ive been stressed out and really busy plus im moving houses as well so YAY! i just love stress dont you? anyway thankyou to my amazingly cute and wonderful waifu the__1975_ for being the most beautiful person ive ever seen btw her lipsyncing skills are top notch! you should totally get musically! okay anyways guys ill see you in the next chapter.


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