oh shit

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Ravens POV

As i run to the finnish line when i hear a quick gasp come from something behind me twist around to see a very shocked beastboy looking at me with glassy eyes gripping his side which was also might i add OOZING WITH BLOOD! "BEASTBOY!" I screamed as his eyes flickered and then fell to the ground.

I pick him up and teleport him into the hospital wing where i lay him on the bed. i here the comotion on the other titans running to the room. "what happened raven?" asked Robin who was heaving in breaths (probably because hes spending his time with starfire and not training like the rest of us). " i dont know what happened! all i saw was his blood coming out of his side!" i say almost crying. Starfire takes me out of the room so i can gather myself, she lets me cry for a few minutes she always can make you feel better no matter what has happened, even if your lifetime crush could be dying in the room next to us.

Starfires POV

Friend raven has the symtoms of crying so i did the excusing of the two of us and went out to the hall and sat on the chairs of the waiting. " Friend raven why do you care so much for the beast boys wounds?" i asked hoping that friend raven wil tell me the answer. " Do you promise notto tell anyone else?" raven asked. i nooded as i do not want to make friend raven upset, " Of course i would never tell any one! not even silkie!" i vowed. i hope it is that friend raven has the feelings for beastboy, i have thought since almost everyone had a date that they were have the feelings of the love towards each other. " Star the truth is, i love him and i know for a fact that he will never love me back and my heart dropped the same time he fel to the flo-

Raven POV

"Raven, Starfire you can come is now if you want" said robin hanging his head out of the door. i nodded my head and prepared for the worst.

he just layed there, motionless with a white bandage around his waist. i tell myself to calm down as cyborg starts to explain.

"Beastboy was shot from quite a long distance which explains why he isnt dead. yet he wont probably wake up for a couple of day which we all could take turns of-

"I'll do them all" I say cutting off cyborg, I really want to look after him.

" ok then Raven will be looking after beast boy until he wakes up but star will look after him at night so you can go to bed Raven" said cyborg.

Beastboy POV
Huh? Here am I? Everything hurts, wait am I dead!? No please anything but that I just wanna see Rae again!

Hello again! There is another chapter! I hoped you all like it and please comment what you would like to see happen to bb and Rea as I am happy to make some suggestions happen! pixelated_whiskers and Jordanissoonfire the next chapter is for you guys 😈

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