And where is Raven is all of this?!

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Beastboy POV 

I smirk rises to my face as that evil bastard fell to the ground. He fell to the ground with a mighty thud, something that could rock the whole of jump city and bring all the citizens to there knees. 

Serves him right.

I turn around. Rob and Star are running around helping anyone that mightve been hurt. Cyborg is starting to cleanup a bit and im standing here ,but... wheres Raven? Oh crap! WHERES RAVEN??? I frantically whip my head around me trying to find her, where could she have gone? 

"Yo beasty, wheres raven?" Cy called out from behind me. I shrug my shoulders and continue to look around. My legs are starting to ache as i turn the corner on main street.


Raven POV (But back at adonis's fall)

Everything hurts but at the same time i cannot feel a thing. I wish Garfield was here with me. I cant breathe all that well but i keep shouting his name. My vision blurs with tears. I know i dont have long and i dont want to accept it unless he is here with me. 

All of the sudden there was a mighty crash. If i could stand up before i wouldnt be now. Buildings crumble around me. I try to crawl away from the falling debris. What made that happen?

 I hear faint cheers, so i take it the fight is over. I try to sit up but the pain is too much to handle. I cant just lay here waiting so i use all of my might to push myself up and drag myself to the side of closest building. My vision blurs to an extent of no return.

I hear my name being called. I dont know who or what is calling it but i dont think they will find me in time.

My name is called once more but stopped halfway through. My vision clears for only a moment. 


He rushes to my side. He takes me in his arms and hold me tight. Pain courses through my body, but its a new pain. Not a 'Stop youre hurting me pain' more like a 'goodbye' sort of pain. Tears erupt out of his eyes. pouring down his face in big terrible streaks. His tears mix with the blood and dirt smudged all over his face. 

I raise my hand to his soft cheek and caress it with my thumb. mixing the salty red mess covering his skin. I smile. I got my wish, i could see him before i die. I can accept it with open arms. He leans down and places a soggy kiss on my lips. He knows it too, But knowing him, hes going to try and stop it. I dont know how, its already too late.

"Please dont leave me, not after all of this." 

Tears form in my eyes too. My guts twists and the sobbing starts. I dont wanna leave him. Not like this.


No I dont want to die! Please no, i dont want to accept it anymore, i regret waiting for it. i dont need it. I want to grow old with him and live in this world with him. I want to love him everyday. I cant leave it behind. Im not going to die. Not today.

I try to lift myself up. Beastboy catches on and helps me up. He scoops me up in his arms and runs as fast as he can. I feel consciousness slowly fade away from me. I dont want t.......................



Ill be finnishing up the story from here on in my peoples, thankyou so much for being here everystep of the way. It means so much to me that people want to read this even though its shitty and terribly written.  Oh and also



Ill see you guys in the next chapter!


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