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Beastboy POV

she sits herself on my back, i spread my wings and take off. i love the feeling of the cool wind underneath me, i feel raven clinging onto me as we swoop under and other things. i see in the distance were we are headed. its a little romantic diner on the other side of jump city, i know raven will love it cause it has a goth feel to it while still making it look authentic, which i love. we start to descend when raven points out the location and askes if thats where we are going. i agree and prepare to land. 

Raven POV

i see a little diner in the distance and as we get closer i question if it was the destination, bb agreed and i kinda squealed inside, it looked so rustic and amazing up close, how did he find this place? only hell knows i guess. when we land i slide off his back and dust myself off, beastboy has returned into his human form and hes wearing something only he would wear, a purple and green nivana t shirt ans skinny jeans, typical beasty. "damn bb back at it again with the white vans huh?" "haha so you do go on the internet! cyborg said that you never do!". he chuckles to himself as we walk in, and boy i was suprised.

Beatboy POV

i see the amazement on ravens face is enough to make me smile, a waiter escorted us to our table and said he would be back in 10 minutes to take our order and i see her take in the scene-ry (see what i did there? hahaha i am scene so um yea YAY) and she turns to me and looks into my eyes within seconds ive gotten lost in hers. I was snapped out of her eyes when the waiter asks if we would like to order, i instantly say "i would like a salad, and the lady would like?" i turn to raven "ill have a hamburger please" she said quietly, i also order a milkshake for the both of us, after a minute we got the milkshake and it was sat in the middle of us like a cliche movie scene. can anything get more perfect?

Raven POV

After we Finnish the milkshake our order comes, beast boy got the smallest looking salad in the world while it looks like i got the biggest hamburger in the world, there is no way i am going to eat this! beastboy was gobsmacked at the size of it. i start by pulling it apart and eating the patty first because i feel awkward eating meat infront of beastboy, i finish it within a minute and start on all the other stuff, beastboy is practically finnished already, he pulls out a quarter and walks over to the juke box and he looks through the playlist and picks out my favourite song angel with a shotgun ( play it now!!) 

i walk over to him and he takes out his hand and guides to a dance floor and we slowdance to the song.

Beastboy POV

this moment is perfect we are dancing to raes favourite song and shes hugging my chest which is really weird cause im a little smaller than her but hopefully i get taller so she can feel protected when i hug her, this moment could last forever just slowly dancing to her song, the lights are dim and it feels like there is just us in this fairy tale date, i knew this song was ravens favourite cause when she listens to her music in the common room you can hear it clearly enough to hear the lyrics. i start to slowly sing the lyrics to her.

ïm an angel with a shot gun

fighting til the wars won

 i dont care if heaven wont take me back

   i would throw away my faith babe

just to keep you safe

dont you know your everything i have

Raven POV 

bb starts to mutter something and as i start to hear what he is mumbling he is singing along with the lyrics, he realises that im staring at him and smiles back. the song eventually ends and eveyone leaves the dance floor, everyone exept us. he grabs my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. he as stopped as we were thrown to the floor by a shock wave of explosion, i was propelled out of his arms and into the wall, glass shattered and people screamed in fear. 

i guess even we cant get an afternoons peace for even a date.

Hey guys so thats it for now but im on holidays for two weeks so i will update as much as possible and you might see more day time chapters instead of them being updated at 12 am every friday night. shout out to emo_space_princess for helping me with coming up with the ideas becasue i had total writers block!so ill see you guys next time i update!


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