Moral support is so nice

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Raven POV
Robin told me to go to the common room to wait for him to help me with the shards sticking out of my hands, as I walk in star and cyborg are already on the couch eating something starfire cooked up. I respect that she eats that stuff but at least she respects that fact that I don't eat it (yo a reference for you guys lol). I walk over and sit along side them on the couch. At first (like every other time in my life) they don't notice that I'm there, I clear my throat and they both suddenly jump sending small bits of the purple bubbling slop into the air and landing on a surface that will have to be cleansed now. "Raven,you scared the heck outta me girl! You are a creepy little shit do you know that?" Cyborg ranted for a bout a whole minute before I looked up at him. He realised that what he was saying wasn't helping the situation that I am in. " Friend Raven, what friend cyborg was meaning to pronounce was that you scared us both by evening the room! That's all, sorry if cyborg has made you feel uneasy" starfire said which made ,e feel a whole lot better. Moral support is so nice when it comes to these things.

Cyborg POV
Something is up, I can just tell.nOrmally we realise Raven is in the room as soon as she enters or when she speaks to us. Today is different though, very different indeed. "Rae, I can tell when something isn't right, are you okay?" .thats all she needed. She immediately broke down in tears and covered her face with her hands. Star rushes over and is comforting Raven by gliding her finger tips along her back, writing words that Robin has taught her how to write (this mostly consists of writing robin, starfire,kiss,hug and BBrea . (That's our little couple name for Beasty and Rea)

Knowing how long she has been crying for, Beasty has done something so stupid.

All we can do now is give Rea some moral and peer support no matter what it is that is troubling her.

Hey yes I'm back with another stupidly short update. I don't nessasarily have a writing day anymore. I really only do it when space_emo tells me that I need to update. Lol sorry lilyyyy😜😜❤️
Thank you guys for reading!and if you are one of those GhOsTy ReAdErS please come say hi in the comments! We will have a party!! Okay byeeeee

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