Day One: Entry Five

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I've been playing Serpent for quite some time now, and wow does it get hard. The difficult controls aren't helping, and it's asking for pretty much pinpoint perfection. Maybe I should take a break...

Oh, I forgot about that letter I heard! It looks like another one from Jack. It's kind of weird how different Jack, Doctor Ramsey, and my Happy Buddy's letter envelopes are...

My dear friend,

I have started my journey in the far east, with no clear goal in mind. On the road, I met a nice woman who gave me directions to the nearest lake. You know how much I like swimming.

It's not signed, but yeah, that's definitely from Jack. And for the record, I actually don't know how much he likes swimming. I don't remember him at all. It's nice of him to keep in contact with me, though. We must have been really good friends.

Anyway, I'm glad Jack is having a good time on his journey. At least one of us is happy. Maybe I should get back to that Serpent game...

Actually, it's gotten really dark, I can barely see, to be honest. I think I'll just call it a night instead, I can play more Serpent in the morning.

Well, this bed isn't really comfortable, but it's all I got so I guess I'll have to deal with it.

Goodnight, Edgar, I didn't forget about you.

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