Day Five: Entry Ten

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I'm back in the cell now. It's not like I have anywhere else to be. Everyone I've ever known is dead.

All of the lights just went out, and the door is locked again. Doctor Ramsey must know that I've returned. I think I just heard a letter arrive.

You made a wise choice. Now you get to enjoy your freedom to play all the games on your entertainment system you want. Congratulations, you imbecile.

Call me what you want. This is the only place I belong now.

Do you know why you were locked up in here?

No. I have no recollection of why I could have possibly been taken to this elevator turned prison cell and kept here to watch the world collapse in on itself. Are you going to tell me, not that it matters? I don't feel anything anymore. I'm just numb.

Of course you are aware of your innocence.

I wouldn't say "aware", but I assumed as much.

You know organs are sum now because the virus I created destroys them. Working organs go for a lot of money these days.

So you made the virus? You did this? I guess I could of predicted that, but it infuriates me to have it confirmed. You killed this world, and everyone I've ever known, just to satiate your greed? You're sick.

There is nothing that people value more than their own survival. It doesn't matter how poor the quality of the organs I'm supplying is, they keep coming back to me.

I hate you. You disgust me.

But the real money lies in selling high quality organs. Especially if they come from people who are immune to the virus.

...Where are you going with this?

People like you.


Remember the shot that you received when you arrived in this prison?

Um, no, should I remember it?

It was the only working antidote.

Wait, so I'm the only person immune to the virus? But why?

You are worth millions now.

I'm the only person able to survive in this world as of now, and you're still only concerned with my value? I feel like your priorities are skewed. If I'm the only one immune, what about you? Your money can't save you from the virus.

That is, your organs.

...I'm not sure I like where this is going.

I made you relevant. You should be thanking me.

Thanking you? You locked me in a prison so I could be used for your own financial gain! And relevant to who? Some corpses?

You are one of the few people I chose to be immune.

Oh, so there are more people than just me? I feel sorry for them. No one should have to suffer what I've suffered.

You are one of the few people I locked up.

Oh, lucky me.

And your organs will be the world's most sought-after resource.

Okay. Should I be flattered by this? Because I'm really not.

Thank you for your cooperation.

It's not like I had much of a choice.

You will be hearing from us shortly.

What does that mean? Hearing from you about what?

Well, I guess that's the end of the letters. It's really dark in here, so I can't really see much, and I don't really have much to do.

I guess I'll just go to bed.

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