Day One: Entry Two

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Alright, I've got the letter. I guess I can just put it here with this entry when I'm done with it. Anyways, let's see what it says.

My dear friend,

I hope this letter finds you well. How is prison life going for you? I know it must be hard, especially in times like these. As for me, I will soon start another of my journeys into the unknown. Wish me luck.

-Jack the traveler

I guess this Jack is one of my friends? I honestly don't know, I still can't remember much. Amnesia aside, should I write back? And how would I do that? I don't even know how-

Another letter just got slipped under the door.

Where the fuck are they coming from?

I didn't see anybody come by, this new letter just appeared, just like the old one. And if the envelope is any indication, then this letter is also from Jack.


I hope you aren't feeling too lonely in that dark cell. Just in case, I have put a little bug friend for you in the envelope alongside this letter.


Well, that letter wasn't a lie since a little bug just jumped out of the envelope of this letter and on to the ground. He's actually kind of cute.

I think I'll call him Edgar.

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