Chapter Two: An Unexpected Event

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As soon as Coach Clark said 'go,' I ran for the balls. I aimed to get two so I easily got one of them but Caleb got the ball that I was trying to get. I backpedaled a little to avoid getting hit easily.

"That was close." I breathed. Now, what made me want to play this game?

I retrieved another ball that rolled to our side of the gym. Before I threw it, Chelsea snickered.

"Come on, we need to get these people out, and there's about one minute until jailbreak!" Chelsea yelled with sass as she threw her ball towards where Carter was standing. He easily caught it.

"That was practically another ball I usually catch from you," Carter yelled out before he threw it back towards one of the guys in my team.

Chelsea raged while she walked over to the bleachers. I was happy I didn't have to get rushed by her anymore for the rest of the round.

Now, how am I supposed to concentrate on the game if I am trying hard not to accidentally do something unnatural? I asked myself.

I looked around my surroundings. Kendra and Luka are just concentrating on each other, and I could say the same about Caleb and Ben, and Hannah and Drew. Soon, it was just me and Elias. Jailbreak was in thirty seconds.

"Guys hurry up!" Ben yelled out.

"Can we have jailbreak already?" Megan pleaded.

"In thirty seconds you will." Coach replied to Megan's pleas.

I dodged the ball that Elias threw and I threw one back. When I threw it, something strange happened. It was so unexpected that it startled everyone, even the Coach. There were light blue sparks coming out from my hand as I threw the ball and the sparks landed in the corner. For some reason, I didn't expect any puddles to crowd the corner and in the end, they froze.

What did I just do? I thought to myself.

Everyone looked around, at each other, at Coach, at me. They weren't expecting it. That is why it was so unexpected, nobody saw what exactly happened. I'm in panic mode. Carter noticed my expression and walked over.

"Are you okay Kayla?" he asked.

"I don't think I am," I replied.

Coach Clark walked over to us. "You two, do you know what's going on?" he asked.

We both looked at each other. "Uh..."

"You know something mysterious happened. I was going to report the leak to the janitor but I guess it has gotten worse. Tell the truth, do you know?"

I took a deep breath before I spoke. Before I even said a word, Elias chimed in.

"Probably, one of us might have some kind of ability who could manipulate ice, as well as freeze and melt water too." he said, making his reply sounding more like a guess.

"Sangster, no one's going to believe you." Chelsea teased, in a mean way, and most of the class laughed, except Carter, who just slapped his forehead with his palm.

Actually, Elias's last name is Merritt-Sangster, which makes his whole name, Elias Merritt-Sangster. No biggie.

"Everyone except Kayla, leave for your free period. If you're brave enough, you can change back into the clothes you came into school with inside the changing room." Coach announced while he blew his whistle.

Half the class went into the changing room and they gingerly walked in. The other half exited the gym.

"Hope you'll survive Coach's lecture," Elias reassured me.

"Same." Carter nodded.

I smiled. "I'll be okay."

A few minutes later, Carter and Elias left the gym for the courtyard to hang out with the other students and there was Coach Clark, standing in front of me. I readied myself for his lecture.

"Kayla, you're alright. I knew what happened and that isn't your fault." is what Coach said.

I was surprised. Well, this lecture is not what I expected to be. I was expecting something about detention and here he is saying that the frozen leak wasn't my fault.

"You really know?" I asked, with an eyebrow raised.

"Truly yes. I actually encountered something like this before. About six years ago, there was a sophomore just like you who was able to manipulate things, except that he can manipulate air. In other words: Aerokinesis. There was a leakage like now if you were wondering about the puddles, and he just blew the water away just as he was kicking a goal in indoor soccer." he said.

I gasped. "Is this real?"

"Yes." he replied.

"Is he still alive?" I asked. I knew that was a silly question to ask, knowing this was about six years ago.

"As of right now, he's a senior in college, I believe. I'm sure you will reach that point in six years. Anyway, tell Carter and Elias the truth about your abilities and make sure you only keep this between yourselves." he said.

I nodded. "And I have a few more questions..."

"Sure, go on." Coach acknowledged my request.

And that was when everything broke loose.

"Where does he go to school? What does he do? Is there anything else I need to know? Do these powers even exist? When is his birthday? Where was he born? Was he also born in Detroit? What am I really? How many chickens does it take to screw a lightbulb? Why did the chicken cross the road?"

"Slow down! I don't think I could answer any of those if you can't stop talking!" he exclaimed. "And the last two questions aren't even related to what we are talking about now..."

"Sorry, my mind was just... on overdrive?" my statement came out as a question.

"It's alright. If I have a chance, I'll answer those on another time." Coach said.

"Thank you, Coach," I smiled.

"You're welcome. Now go join them. I think they're at the courtyard still." he instructed.

"Okay, thanks again," I said before running off to the changing room.

"Careful with the ice!" he shouted.

I nodded at Coach. I guess there's another side of him that cares for the students, besides shouting orders at us. I got to tell Carter and Elias about this, at the right time.

* * *

Movie Poster by: TorissaNikole

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