Chapter Fourteen: Lessons with Brandon

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I was in the Ice Realm again, and those werewolves are back too. Seriously, stop invading my dreams like that you werewolves!

"Kayla, wake up..." one of them said.

"Why do you keep saying 'wake up'?" I asked, impatiently.

"Kayla, turn around." it said.

I turned around and saw an aura (or hologram? I don't know...) of Brandon right in front of me.

"Brandon?!" I exclaimed.

"I know what you see there Kayla. Don't let the werewolves conquer your dreams. Let yourself control them. Now please, just wake up." he said.

Then at the next second, Brandon was physically right beside me on my bed.

"Was I having nightmares again?" I asked, groggily.

"Yeah, and I had to try and see what's going on in your dreams," he replied.

"Wait, you can try and see people's dreams?" I was surprised that I jumped.

"Yes. Well, I have to do it with effort unlike people with Oneirokinesis," he said, adjusting his position quickly to match with my reaction.

"What the what?" I said, confused.

"If you're asking what Oneirokinesis is, it means that those with that kind of ability has the power to manipulate dreams, as well as 'walk' into dreams. Basically, they're dreamwalkers." Brandon explained.

"But how can you walk in a dream when you only have Aerokinesis?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"If you think I'm putting out random facts down, I'm not. You see, the people with the abilities of the main elements, water, earth, fire, and air, they get to choose a sub-ability of that element. For me, I have air and I get to pick what I could have as a sub-ability. So, I chose Oneirokinesis. With that kind of ability, I could see what you're thinking about. But I don't have all the benefits that Oneirokinetic people have. Those with only that ability, they can manipulate the dream. For me, I can only see it and give you advice. Sorry if I didn't make any sense to you." he explained.

"I understand now," I muttered. "So, we're starting lessons right now to use and control my abilities right?"

"Yes, and I'll also give you more information on how the kinetic abilities work." he added.

"Alright then, let's start," I said.

* * *

"Vapor." Brandon chanted and vapor came out of his hands a few seconds later.

"That is pretty cool," I commented. "Is it usually an air thing to summon vapor like that?"

"Hydrokinetic and Thermokinetic people can do the same thing since vapor is related to air, water, and heat," he replied. "Now, to summon something, you just say the name of it and think of what it looks like in your mind. Try it out."

I nodded and put out my hand. Here goes...

"Crystal!" I chanted. To make sure the spell goes well, I pictured a crystal that was shaped like a diamond. When a small light appeared, I thought that I did a successful try on it.

"Nice one for a first try Kayla!" Brandon clapped.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Alright, now we'll do levitation commands. So—" then I interrupted him.

"Wait, those chants trigger 'commands'? I thought they trigger spells!" I exclaimed.

"Well, most people say these things as 'spells' but I call them 'commands.' Probably'cause I think it relates more to energy than magic." he explained. "Okay, now the command to levitate something is just 'levitate' alright?"

"Alright then. Let me try." I prepared myself for the command. "Levitate."

I put my hand over the block of ice in front of me and focused on it. I slowly moved my hand up and the block followed it. Amazing! Wait, better focus...

After about a minute, I broke concentration and the block fell back down on the ground. "That was amazing."

"Truly is. Now that you know the basics, you're ready to rebuild the realm. Ready to start?" he said.

"Yep, I'm ready," I answered.

"Good. Now let's wake the others up." he winked.

* * *

A/N: Would you be surprised (and confused) if Brandon was able to 'walk' in your dreams, just like how he did with Kayla? Comment below!

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