Chapter Twenty-Four: Disaster Strikes

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The howls went on for what felt like forever. Elias dragged me through twists and turns to our rendezvous point at the area where all the books are. It seemed longer than usual since he was trying to hide his scent and stay away from the other werewolves. If they find us, we're dead meat.

"Okay, we're here, Brandon's certainly also here, and I don't know if Carter and Chelsea are here." he said.

"They'll make it," I said optimistically.

Shortly after that conversation, we got out of the alley we were hiding in and saw Brandon come out of where he was too.

"Where are Carter and Chelsea?" Brandon asked, worriedly.

"We don't know, we were just dancing to some waltz and then those howls came out of nowhere. Elias can't sense them anywhere... I really hope they're not captured or something..." I said.

"It's going to be just the three of us for now," he muttered then turned to Elias. "Can you sense the other werewolves?"

"Both directions, we have to go back to the alley," Elias replied.

"Gosh, I hate those fairy alleys... they make me claustrophobic. No offense to all the fairies, though," Brandon commented. "Where do we go to find Chelsea and Carter?"

"Well, let's go back to the alley both of us were in. I probably know the way to the restaurant section and besides, they could be in an Italian restaurant just because Carter loves pasta." Elias said.

"That'll make the search easier, let's go!" I said.

We made a lot more twists and turns through the alley, certainly more than when we were on our way to the rendezvous point. When we were near one of the Italian restaurants in the grotto, we saw two werewolves surrounding Chelsea and Carter. Oh man, they won't make it...

"They will, we just have to jump in at the right time..." Elias whispered.

And that was when I heard the conversation.

"Yes, we have two of our four victims. We are supposed to have five victims but the violet-eyed guy was already bitten and our plan did not work for him. We are also lucky since we have the chance to get rid of two pyrokinetic people!" the alpha said.

"That's correct boss." another wolf agreed with the alpha.

"You, stop calling me boss!" the alpha yelled at the wolf.

"What are you howling about? This is taking forever..." Chelsea rolled her eyes, despite being surrounded by the werewolves.

"Really, fire doesn't really work with about six huge werewolves surrounding us..." I heard Carter mutter.

"Oh, all the werewolves are arguing! We need to devise a plan now before they take them." Elias whispered.

"How about stealthily surrounding them and doing a teamwork ability to stun them?" Brandon suggested.

"That'll only work for this time. Besides this, our main goal is to drive the werewolves out of the grotto so we could continue this party." I said.

"Well, we could do your plan, then we'll make another one once Carter and Chelsea are free. Everyone agree?" Elias said.

Brandon and I nodded.

"Stealth." Brandon chanted. "Try to stomp your feet."

Both of us obeyed and we stomped our feet as loud as possible. They didn't make a sound.

"That's amazing, now we could carry out our plan soundlessly," I whispered. "Now how are we going to tell Chelsea and Carter to pretend not to notice us?"

"My usual air messenger," Brandon said. He opened his mouth to talk but we heard no sound, but that is how the air messenger works right?

"What did you tell them?" Elias asked.

"I told them to focus on the werewolves and not us. I also told them where we are at so they won't be surprised. Now, let's go." Brandon replied.

We walked out of the alley like normal people in a party and surrounded the werewolves, unnoticed. I assume Chelsea and Carter are aware that we are here but they didn't show it. I felt a breath of air on my neck.

We're going to send blades into the werewolves' hearts, make sure your aim is good. Only use two blades since you're between two werewolves. One blade in each wolf. Get ready...

I focused on the backs of the two nearest werewolves and got ready.


"Icicle blades!" I chanted, and summoned two ice blades and commanded them to throw themselves at the two wolves' backs. They hit their targets perfectly, and both wolves fell to the ground.

Brandon and Elias also successfully brought down the other wolves, and Carter and Chelsea are free.

"Task done, now how are we going to drive the rest away, while in suits and gowns?" Chelsea asked.

"We'll use our usual transportations. I recommend using the hoverboard instead of your usual jet ski, Elias." I explained.

"Fine..." he sighed.

"Anyways, I don't feel like splitting up anymore. We might lose ourselves again and... yeah. As for now, we stick together. We are more powerful that way." Carter said.

"Okay, and we could use whatever to drive the wolves away, just as long as we don't harm the guests," I added.

"Alright, it's settled. Let's go!" Elias said.

All of us then summoned our hoverboards and raced through the grotto.

"Fiery Ring!"

"Water Beam!"


"Icicle Darts!"

"Air Snap!"

We chanted various spells to get rid of the werewolves. Elias also said that there are several alphas among packs. It seemed like all the werewolf packs were eager to crash the Snowflake Ball.

"How many more wolves?" Brandon asked between chants.

"About thirty more! We're doing great so far!" Elias replied.

Soon, the number diminished to three. We easily found those three werewolves. The hard part is that they surrounded the fairy queen and all of them are giant alphas.

"Yoohoo! Up here!" Chelsea whistled to attract their attention away from the queen.

It worked, and they all got ready to attack us.

"You're no match for us, especially you blonde." one of them said, then pointed to Elias.

Why are they obsessed with you? I asked Elias in my thoughts.

"Simple, I'm a werewolf." he replied.

"What do you mean?" Carter asked, not making any sense of our conversation.

"Kayla asked me why the wolves seemed obsessed with me and I said that I am a werewolf. It's that simple." Elias relayed what we talked about.

"Now that you mention it, it seems like they are also targeting Kayla. If the other wolves captured Chelsea and Carter, they'll know we'll try and rescue them and then we'll get trapped. And who knows what will happen?" Brandon added.

"I don't want to imagine..." Carter said.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" one of the alphas said.

"Bring it on!" All of us said in unison.

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