Chapter Five: New Suspicions

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Williams? I thought. Then that means I have a brother.

"Yes Kayla, you do have a brother." the phoenix replied.

"But, why did I not know that?" I asked.

"He will tell you everything. I promise he will, even if guardians like me would rarely make promises. I visited him a few minutes before you. I made sure he would communicate with you when you meet." it said. "This is all I will tell you now. I will see you soon." then the phoenix glowed and disappeared with a firework of lights.

I went back to my room with new knowledge of what I am. Now, I could make more suspicions. I remembered Carter and Elias's reaction when I told them about my abilities. They weren't surprised. It is like they have heard about it before. Do they have kinetic abilities like I do? How about this Brandon Williams? Did my parents wipe out my memory of him? I know kinetic abilities are definitely passed on by inheritance. I'll probably try and find more answers soon.

My phone beeped. I looked at the screen and saw Carter's and Elias's names on it. They must have invited me to a group chat then. I looked at their messages.

Elias: You all right Kayla? You haven't been answering our calls.

Carter: That's true and... well... it's eight thirty right now so...

I typed on my phone.

Me: I'm here, I had to do some kind of errand.

I heard another beep. Soon enough, we're engaged in a conversation.

Carter: Oh okay

Me: I'll tell you more about it tomorrow. Tomorrow's a Friday, right?

Elias: No, it's actually Thursday tomorrow.

Me: Darn, well regardless, I wanted to invite you both to my house for, um...a talk or something?

Carter: What kind of talk? Like a conference or something? I could do that

Elias: Carter, don't you get it? She probably needs to have a talk about kinetic abilities. Am I right?

Me: Yep

I was practically laughing about Carter thinking that the kind of talk I was talking about was a basketball game between us or something.

Carter: Okay Elias, I know. Well, we'll just come by right now. Both of us just finished studying an hour ago

Me: Sure, but where are you guys?

Elias: Was at Carter's. His house is much nearer to yours than mine so...

Me: Then I'm thinking that both of you are going to walk over here?

Carter: Were already walking

Me: Wow okay. Maybe you can also help me with my homework too. These Geometry problems are killing me.

Carter: I'm still studying Algebra 2 so you better ask Elias about them.

Elias: Yeah sure, I just have to remember what I'm doing... I'm already in Pre-Calc that's why. Math problems aside, we'll be there in about 5 to 6 minutes. We've started walking a few minutes before we started texting you.

Me: Okay.

Then I ended up waiting patiently for both of them to knock on my door while I finished up my Physics homework and struggled with my Geometry. These new problems are, again, killing me, but... I'll just continue them later. Also, I really should've asked them about the powers... but I'll bring it up when we're all together in my room.

* * *

I heard a knock and my mom opened the door. I overheard the short conversation downstairs.

"...Kayla here? She invited us here just about 10 minutes ago." I heard Carter say.

"Yes, she's up in her room. You know where that is." my mom replied.

"Thank you," Elias said before they thudded up the stairs. They knocked on my door.

"Password?" I said. I have a habit of asking people the password to enter my room since I was in 5th grade.

"Calculus," Carter replied.

"Okay, get in here," I said.

They opened the door and immediately sat on my bed.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?" Elias asked.

"I know this is too straightforward but... do any of you have kinetic abilities?" I said, in a kind of awkward way.

"I really hope your fire alarm is not too sensitive but..." Carter said, and he summoned a small flame in his hand. Elias looked up at the ceiling, checking if the fire alarm will react. After a few seconds, it didn't.

One of my suspicions were right, they have kinetic abilities. At the next moment, Elias summoned a droplet of water in his hand and, from the looks of it, he stabilized the droplet with his other hand. I was still surprised.

"You were keeping this, from me?" I muttered.

"We were only allowed to share the um... whatever with each other, just because we're partners," Carter said, and Elias nodded.

"You're partners?" I was amazed.

"Save all your questions for later. Did the ice phoenix come to you?" Elias said.

"How did you know?" I said, amazed. Are they keeping secrets too?

"It mentioned the fact that you have a brother that you didn't—we didn't know about. And that we are also invited to help you in saving this... ice realm. I heard Chelsea's invited too." Elias continued.

"Chelsea?!?" Instead of just saying it, I unintentionally screamed, so loud that it was enough to startle my mom downstairs.

"Would you guys turn down your volume?" she shouted back upstairs.

"Sorry, mom!" I shouted.

"I guess screams are better than whispers..." Carter said, smirking.

"Carter!" I whisper-shouted.

"Never mind," he said. "Anyways, where can we find your brother? I also know that we all hate Chelsea going with us."

I nodded, then continued.

"I know he studies in a university in L.A. but he could be anywhere, playing a football game somewhere or going on a field trip to Canada. And I have no idea what he looks like." I replied.

"Let's ask your mom, she might know where he is right now," Elias suggested.

"Alright then," I said.

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