Chapter Twenty-Three: The Preservation and the Snowflake Ball

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This is stupid... why do I have to always get the same werewolf dream where all of them are just watching me?

"I know right..." a familiar voice said.

Is this Elias? I thought.

"I know I'm creeping you out but... you need to wake up. I don't know why you keep having these dreams..." Elias's voice continued.

"Are you in the dream?" I asked.

"Not exactly but I still know what you're thinking, even in dreams." he replied.

I look around to see something that could look like Elias but at the next second, I'm back to reality.

"What the heck? Ow!" I exclaimed, and then I felt a throbbing on my forehead. I didn't expect that...

"Ow... I didn't expect that either..." I saw Elias lying beside me, rubbing his own forehead. "I had to wake you up since we're doing the preservation today..."

"The preser--oh yeah, we do! How could I forget?" I said. "Did Brandon say anything about it?"

"Yeah, he already assigned us places where we could place the charm on. According to him, it can extend to a third of the island so that's why we have to divide ourselves. The job will get done faster if all of us cover ground. He also assigned us to be partners, again." he said.

"Alright then, wait... did he tell you the command for the charm?" I added.

"We have to say it at the same time. He will 'breathe' on you when we will start the command. The command is 'O sacred air and cold, preserve thine realm until the end comes. Preservato' got it?" he explained.

"Got it," I nodded. Oh yeah, I remembered that one time when he said to meet outside before the start of the rebuilding...

"Anyways, we better go, he might start any minute now," he said. "I'll wait for you outside."

"Okay." I nodded. Man, it would be creepy and embarrassing to have Elias in the room while I get ready for the day...

* * *

After getting dressed, I met Elias outside of the hideout. From there, we made our way to the section of the realm that we are going to preserve.

"Then, we wait for the breath," Elias said.

Both of us were floating up in the cold air on hoverboards and there were acres of plains right below us. I love this view...

"It's cool isn't it?" Elias commented, reading my thoughts.

Then, I felt a breath of air on my neck.

Everyone, get yourselves ready. You can't do anything else after you say the command. You have to be in full connection with your mind, body, and spirit. Stay on the task at hand. And the barrier around you will also allow you to communicate with your thoughts so you wouldn't be bored. I will tell you when to stop.

"Ready Kayla?" Elias asked.

"Ready," I smiled confidently.

Three... two... one... now.

"O sacred air and cold, preserve thine realm until the end comes. Preservato!" both of us chanted, then we were surrounded by a pure white barrier and soon, we were on task.

Great start... now concentrate.

I closed my eyes and channeled my energy to the charm. I also felt everyone else's energy going to the charm also. This is spiritual...

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