Chapter Nineteen: The Transformation

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Brandon's POV

I don't even know what time it is right now but, Elias is still unconscious. There were a few occasions where he would shiver but... yeah, he's still unconscious. Then I decided to take a short nap. I then commanded the air to wake me up after fifteen minutes, so I'll have more energy when I monitor the rebuild at daylight the next day.

"Errr...." I turned around as soon as I heard that sound. Man, Elias is so furry... Oh yeah, it's the day after the full moon so, he'll be reckless when he wakes up.

"Did you just say 'reckless'?" he spoke, in a non-Elias-like way.

"How did you know?" I cautiously asked.

"I can read your mind. Your sister knows that already," he replied, smirking.

Mnemokinesis?! I thought.

"Too surprised? Wow... Anyways, can you get me out of this cage? I need to run..." he said.

"No." I bluntly answered.

"Just get me outta here! I said just!" he yelled out and growled.

Man, this is going to be bad... I thought.

Elias stood on all fours and tried to charge at me. His hands (or claws?) grasped the bars of the cage, but the elemental barrier that the others and I created repelled him back. He howled in pain.

This is going to be a long night...

"I know right..." Elias muttered.

"Stop it!" I exclaimed in annoyance.

* * *

Kayla's POV

I woke up early in the morning so I could find something that could help Elias control his transformation. Well actually, Brandon woke me up and told me what happened while we were all sleeping. He was even surprised about him able to read our minds! I guess everyone is bound to find out soon enough...

I stepped out of the hideout and wandered over to the Evergreen Forest on my hoverboard. At this time of day, the werewolves are gone for now until the next full moon. I looked at my pocket notebook to see what I need, specifically.

"Five sprigs of wolfsbane, perfect for making twenty bottles of the wolfsbane potion. And they should be handled carefully since they're poisonous. I'll just have to levitate them back to the hideout." I said.

I looked around the clearing for something that looks like a violet orchid, which is what wolfsbane looks like. It wasn't that hard to find because it only took a minute to spot a bush full of them.

"Levitate Wolfsbane!" I chanted. I focused on five of the sprigs and carefully tore their connection from the bush and placed them in a circular barrier so I could safely hold them while I fly back to the hideout.

* * *

"Nice job there, Kayla," Brandon smiled.

"Thanks," I muttered. I looked over at the cage and saw Elias, snoozing the day away. Elias, I hope you'll be alright.

"Now, we need to mix the ingredients together," Brandon said. "Cauldron!"

Brandon summoned a small cauldron from thin air and he started to put in a few ingredients.

I saw a few leaves and fruits being put in the cauldron. There were also a lot of weird ingredients in it too.

"And now, let's put in the wolfsbane. The liquid is supposed to emit a little bit of blue smoke if we do it correctly." Brandon said.

I made the barrier hover over the cauldron, then willed it to disappear, making the sprigs fall into the cauldron. Brandon quickly mixed everything together and the liquid made a loud, blue poof!

"Nice! What do we do next?" I asked.

"We pour everything into vials. The wolfsbane potion is supposed to help Elias keep his own mental state while he transforms. He is supposed to take one the week before the next full moon." he instructed.

We carefully poured the potion into twenty small vials. Soon, an eighth of the kitchen counter is full of vials.

"That'll last him a whole year or more. I wonder how we will be able to get more wolfsbane while we're back in Detroit..." Brandon said. "Hey, is Elias still being his furry self still?"

I looked over at the cage and see Elias back in human form. Phew, that's good... Now when is he going to wake up?

"Oh gosh..." Elias rolled around and groaned. Then, he got up. "What am I doing in this thing?"

"We knew you were going to go insane after you were bitten by that werewolf yesterday... And you went insane this early morning." Brandon replied.

"I don't even remember going insane... But I do remember getting bitten..." he said.

"Elias, why would you do that?" I asked, walking over to the cage and sitting beside him, with only the bars separating us.

"I don't know how I'll act around you if you were the one who had the Curse," he muttered. "Now can I be free now? I'm not going to transform again until next month."

"Sure," Brandon said. "Quartarium undo."

Brandon chanted the command to undo the elemental barrier that kept Elias locked inside. He also unlocked the heavy duty lock and Elias managed to crawl out of the cage.

"Ah, it feels so good to be out of that space... By the way, what are you brewing there?" he said, pointing to the vials of wolfsbane potion.

"Wolfsbane potion. It'll help you keep your current mental state while you're transformed." Brandon replied.

"Hmm, alright. By the way, is there any kind of meat in the fridge?" Elias asked.

There goes the diet change... I thought.

"There's about five pounds of it in the fridge. All yours." Brandon replied, showing him over to the fridge.

"Yay!" he cheered and raced over to the fridge and started to bring out the whole five pounds of meat and munched on them. Wait, does he even say 'yay'? This is too weird.

"Well, welcome to the new age." Brandon shrugged.

"Are you quoting Imagine Dragons?" I curiously asked.

"Probably." he nodded.

I shrugged.

* * *

A/N: What do you think of Elias turning into a werewolf?

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