Chapter Three: "Would they go crazy about it?"

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This has been the weirdest and most confusing day of my life. After our detention-talk-that-­doesn't-feel-­like-­a-­detention talk with Coach is done, it was my free period. It was Carter's and Elias's free period too so, I usually get to hang out with them during that time.

When I thought about telling them 'at the right time', I'm certainly telling them about my abilities now that Coach Clark knows about them. They're my best friends that's why. So I went out to the courtyard with my fourth-period books and laptop in hand and spotted them sitting under the tree at the corner. Would they go crazy about it? I thought.

"Elias! Carter!" I yelled out and waved.

"Come over here!" Elias yelled back.

I nodded and sauntered over to them and sat down beside Carter.

"So what happened?" Carter asked.

I took a deep breath. "I have a secret I need to tell you guys about."

They looked at each other and Carter ended up speaking. "Wait, what kind of secret?"

"Look here," I said as I opened my laptop and searched cryokinesis. I clicked the second search and I showed the page to them.

"Ice manipulation. The ability to manipulate cold and ice." Elias read. "Wait, Kayla, are you serious?"

I nodded.

Their jaws dropped, and I have no idea what they are feeling right now. Erm, should I have waited a bit longer to tell them?

"That is so cool! Maybe you could use it on Chelsea sometime." Carter said, amazed.

"I agree with Carter, you should," Elias said, fist bumping Carter.

What?! They accepted it that easily? Because the statement of telling someone that I have powers would mostly leave people saying 'I don't believe you'. How do they even buy this? I thought, shocked with their replies.

"Good idea, but I am not sure if this is really true. I've been suspecting this type of thing since the end of the autumn season this year." I said with uncertainty.

"Well, if that is how long you've been suspecting it, then see if it's true," Carter suggested.

"But how? I don't know what else to do, besides freezing that leak on accident." I remarked, still with uncertainty.

"To be honest, that frozen leak was probably weird. I don't know how the bathroom functions, or whatever you call it, leaked in the first place." Elias pondered.

"Well, let's not worry about it. Anyways—wait, Elias, Carter, let's go somewhere else, like Carter's locker. I don't want Chelsea to eavesdrop." I whispered then pointed over to where a person with platinum blonde hair stood, a.k.a. Chelsea March, as well as two of her friends, Natalie, and Megan. I want to discuss this with them without her group listening in...

"Wait, why are you worried about Chelsea eavesdropping?" Elias questioned.

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow. "Because she may make fun of us and picture us with whatever powers I have or you may have (which you probably don't) badly."

"Alright, let's go," Carter said, then we walked away from the courtyard.

I swear I saw both of them raise their eyebrows when I explained why I don't want Chelsea to eavesdrop....

* * *

I looked around to see if anyone is around where we are. "All clear."

"So Kayla, what were you going to say?" Elias asked.

"Okay. I was trying to say that Coach also said there was another person who has 'kinetic' abilities too, only that he can manipulate air." I continued.

"It feels like this world contains a lot, but not all, of the people who could manipulate something." Carter speculated.

"That's true." Elias agreed.

I looked at my watch, and I noticed the first bell for the fourth period is going to ring in any second.

"Bell's going to ring in any second now..." I said.

"Okay, then we better get to class. We have British Literature right?" Elias asked.

"I still can't believe you're taking two English classes in a year since you were a freshman..." Carter said.

"Well, what matters is we're all taking British Literature right? You know we're learning a little about Elias's hometown too. Remember that he came from somewhere in a city called Birmingham..." I said

" England." Elias finished my sentence.

The bell rang.

"Let's go!" I said before running off, leaving Elias and Carter behind.

"Kayla Williams, wait for us!" Elias called out and he and Carter ran after me.

* * *

I thought that Carter and Elias would think I'm crazy. After the conversation, I'm sure they were cool about it. Not even surprised or whatnot. I also think there's a fact that something weird going on, and I couldn't even place a finger on the situation. The best thing to do about it is to wait for what's going to happen next.

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