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Robin's POV
So as me and Charlie walked off the bus towards the hell we were forced to visit daily, I began to daydream about what my life would be like if i was a comic book character. Surely I'd have some kick ass ninja skill being a black belt and all.... "Rob!" Charlie shouted snapping her fingers infront of my face.

I blinked out of my day dream and laughed, "I'm here Chaz don't worry" I said. "In comic book world again?" She teased. I frowned "you have the same dreams Chaz, you dream about Batman and going to school with his kids, at least mine's about myself" I retorted. Charlie blushed and put her hands up in surrender, "okay okay we're even" she said.

Perfectly timed the bell rang and we dashed to our Form room before we could be marked as late. "Morning ms summers" we said smiling as we walked into form. "That's cutting it close girls" ms summers replied. "Sorry miss" we both replied in unison before retreating to our table at the back of the room.

We were classed as the 'uncool,geeky' kids of the school because apparently that's how society works, but I didn't care and neither did Charlie, plus we were often too busy daydreaming or writing fan fiction about it to even notice the harsh remarks from our classmates.

"What have you got today?" I asked Charlie . "Doubles all day, science, then maths, and after drama. You?" She said "double maths, science, then art." I replied. "Well have fun! That's the bell see you at break time" Charlie said cheerily, walking off to her next class as the bell rang through our ears for first period.

I walked to maths groaning at the fact I had 1 hour 45 minutes of trigonometry to get through first thing. I took my place beside Sam and began writing up notes and taking down the equations "SOHCAHTOA, remember this and you can't fail" my teacher said pointing at the large letters on the board.

I began to yawn and quickly put my hand over my mouth to hide it, I couldn't concentrate and wasn't learning a lot, it was all going in one ear and out the other. I began to doodle in my book, a few small swirls and patterns until the teacher called upon me "Robin how do you work out Sin?" He said.

I freaked momentarily until Sam saved me and pointed to my book where I'd written notes "Sin is opposite over hypotenuse" I replied. "Thanks Sam" I whispered and he smiled "no problem you needed it" he whispered back as our teacher continued talking.

When the bell for second period finally came I smiled with relief and went to the hall to find Charlie, it was break time so no doubt she was at the cafeteria. I found her in the queue lining up to get two cookies. I didn't fancy school food much, never was a big fan. "Hey Rob over here" Charlie called waving to me.

I smiled and waited for her to buy the cookies before she walked over to me. "Cookie?" She asked taking a bite of her own. "Sure why not" I said taking her second one and delving into its sweet goodness. "How was maths?" Charlie asked. "Terrible, how was science?" I replied. "Ah it was okay, but we've got a test coming up" Charlie groaned. I frowned, that probably meant I had one too.

Me and Charlie wandered over to our usual hang out spot to find some other girls already there. I turned to walk away, but Charlie wasn't having it. " 'cuse me but I believe this is our place!" She said firmly.

One of the girls laughed, "what you gonna do nerd, call batman and robin for help?" She mocked and the group began laughing. "Yeah I'm gonna call Robin, you know my friend who's a black belt" Charlie threatened. The girls began to laugh even more "chaz c'mon they're not worth it" I said tugging on her arm.

"Nope, Rob c'mon I'm sick of being treated like this, time to open a can of kick ass" Charlie said. Damn this girl was determined. "Who's that chaz, your hero? She's just as wimpy as you" one of the girls teased. I'd told myself I wouldn't do it, but maybe Charlie was right.

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