Robin's POV
I've been cheating a little recently, I've been using portals to get to the bus stop or if I want to get immediately home after school. Nobody sees me but Charlie, and it was getting really fun using my powers, it really got me wondering if I could do anything else or if this was it for my powers, not that I was disappointed with it though. Superpowers were cool, I'm happy with any. Today was another boring day as per usual, 6 long periods of work with the releases of break and lunch time in between. Right now I'd just left maths and was heading to our spot for lunch, Charlie was already sat there waiting for me and so I collapsed down beside her."Ugh maths is so boring Chaz. Why can't you be in my lessons?" I moaned. "That's coz you're too smart Rob. Get dumb and you can join me" she replied. I groaned again and got my lunch out of my bag and we both sat eating in a comfortable silence. Charlie was the first to break it. "What do you think your family are up to now?" She wondered. "Dad's probably at work, Alfred will be cleaning, Tim's probably at school and Damian might be at school, although I hardly doubt he'd stay there. Dick's probably at work too and Jason is either at his safe house or his room in the manor, he's pretty lazy and laid back" I replied.
Remembering my phone was able to reach my family, I took it out my shirt top pocket and passed it to Charlie. "Text him" I instructed. Charlie looked shocked and blushed. "Text who?" She asked, pretending to be dumb. "You know who, text Jason fricking Jason" I instructed again. She eventually gave in to my commands and took the phone off of me, she smiled as soon as he sent his first reply and she didn't stop for the rest of the day. I could tell because she was super happy, even when we got on the bus at the end of the day. She's demanded that I listen to her today instead of using my cheat to get home and so here I was, sat on the boring bus beside her.
"So me and Jason decided that next time you go to the manor you have to take my phone and get it fixed up so we can text each other, plus it'll be good for you if any of your disappearing acts happen and I need to help you out" she said, this time giving me the command and reversing our roles from lunch. "Yeah okay fine, I'm going to visit them this weekend if you want to join me?" I offered. "Definitley!" Charlie exclaimed, a little too excitedly. I chuckled at her eagerness and waved goodbye as we parted ways off the bus and headed to our homes.
When I walked in through the front door I was surprised to find my aunt at home early and she seemed a little slow and out of sorts. My aunt never came home early unless there was something important going on. "Hey aunt Georgie, how come you're home early?" I asked concerned. She turned to face me, before loudly sneezing. "Seems that I've caught a cold of sorts, so I'm working from home. I'll be in my office if you need me" She explained, walking away with a box of tissues and a mug filled with lemsip cold medicine. I sighed with relief that it wasn't something else. "Okay, I'm guessing I'm making my own tea then?" I called after her. I heard her shout back yes and quickly checked the cupboard.
My choices were beans, spaghetti, soup - I should probably leave that for my aunt - and finally pot noodles. I went for the last option and decided to have an early tea, then I'd have plenty of time to power through the last mini mountain of work I needed to catch up on. I checked my phone while waiting for the microwave to finish with my noodles. I had a quick scan through my social media, I liked a few photos from my close friends before I switched to my messages and decided to peek on what Jason and Charlie had said earlier. I was disappointed when I opened my messages with Jason as Charlie had deleted all the messages. Damn it. I guess I'd just have to look on Jason's phone instead when I saw him next.
PING! The microwave finished and I took the noodles upstairs with me. I wasn't surprised when the same daily call from my brothers appeared. Dick wasn't there, which I presumed was because he was working hard on the case which made him look so tired the other night, even when he had denied it. "Hey Tim, Jason, Damian" I greeted, as I began working. "Hey Robin when are you going to actually visit us?" Tim asked. "This weekend, I'm bringing my friend Charlie with me again." I replied, making sure that Jason took note of it. "Well the more the merrier I guess" Jason replied. Damian was staying quiet today. Even when we asked him a question he didn't say a word and didn't even argue with Tim when he said that I was his favourite sibling, which, if he had replied, would've gone something like "she's not even your sister Drake, she can't be your favourite."

Girl Of Two Worlds
FanfictionAll her life Robin had always been the geeky girl with her head stuck in a comic, she had few friends and a small family consisting of a kitten and an adoptive parent. Life was pretty average and normal until someone from a different world took her...