Robin's POV
I woke up early which surprised me due to the lack of sleep I've been getting. I slowly slipped out of the bed, hoping not to awake Dick and headed to my own room next door. I rummaged through the bottom of my wardrobe for a pair of slippers and found some fluffy white ones which reminded me of rabbits, despite the lack of ears and a small pink nose. I slipped them onto my feet and the instant warmth made me wriggle my toes at the comfort. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table where it had been charging and headed downstairs."Morning Miss Robin" Alfred quietly greeted. "Morning Alfred, do you want some help making breakfast?" I asked. He shook his head, "Thank you for the offer but I'm fine, your father is in the study on the far right, perhaps you can go talk with him" Alfred replied. "Okay, thanks Alfred" I replied, hugging him. He smiled and returned my hug, I felt like I was 5 again. Alfred's strong but slender arms wrapped around me and he held me like a grandfather would hold his grandchild. "Well you know where I'll be if you want me" I told him, smiling and waving to him, as I began navigating my way through the mansion. Alfred said that he was in the far right study and so I was forced to walk for longer than I'd wanted.
When I finally reached the right study, I rapped quietly on the door. I heard a faint reply and assumed it was a welcome in. I opened the door and peered through the small gap that gradually widened as I swung the door completely open. "Morning Dad" I spoke out. "Morning Robin" he replied, his voice still tired like my own. I looked around him and saw various photographs spread on the desk in front of him and behind him on the floor was a dusty box that I thought I'd never see again.
The box was very warn down and I glanced over at it's shabby figure on the floor. I smiled slightly as I remembered labelling the box with my messy 5 year old hand writing. It read: Mommy's Magic Box. You may wonder how I had any recollection of my mother, as she died at childbirth, but this box was before I came around. It was the only evidence I had of her and I called it her magic box as it inspired a vivid imagination that matched no other, making her magically appear in my head like she was always there and not just photos from a time before. I collected my thoughts and once I'd returned from my imagination I realised I should probably ask my dad why he was looking through mum's stuff again.
"So the box is out again" I spoke questioningly. Dad noticed and gave me my reply, "I had a nightmare last night. It was your mother's death combined with my parents death" he silently responded. I looked to my dad and immediately went over to hug him. Occasions like this where my dad was vulnerable were obviously rare and the flicker of similar moments through my life sprung back into my jigsaw puzzle memory. Memories that I would always remember and cherish because it was when my dad was the most open, when it was just us, me listening to him, letting him express his utter sadness without needing a reply.
Once when I was seven, Dad came back from patrol with failure dragging his cape down on the ground. Without saying anything I went over to him and hugged him, well I squeezed him and with my childish grin I told him that 'mommy' was proud of him, I was proud of him and most importantly, that my dad was a hero no matter what and he was my Hero. Nothing would change that, I admired him for how human he really was beneath the dark mask and cape, buried beneath the thick concrete walls he kept up.
I pulled away after a short while and Dad smiled at me before ruffling my hair. "Thanks kiddo" he spoke warmly. "S'okay Dad, I think Alfred's made breakfast if you want to go eat, we can look through mum's stuff afterwards, but together" I replied warmly. "Sounds like a plan" my dad agreed, still smiling at me. He got up from where he was sat and we walked to the dining room together. We were about halfway there before we could smell a familiar scent that we both adored. Pancakes. "I guess Alfred already knew you had a bad night Dad, he doesn't just make pancakes for anyone" I joked. Dad chuckled lightly, "I guess so, we can't leave him waiting then can we?" Dad replied, speeding up a little. "Guess not, RACE YA!" I shouted, slowly bringing myself into a sprint. "You really think you can beat me?" Dad teased. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed before running to catch up with me.

Girl Of Two Worlds
FanfictionAll her life Robin had always been the geeky girl with her head stuck in a comic, she had few friends and a small family consisting of a kitten and an adoptive parent. Life was pretty average and normal until someone from a different world took her...