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Robins POV
It had reached midday before I had grown bored of playing the piano with Damian so I thanked him for letting my play with him before wandering off to the kitchen. I bumped into Alfred on my way there, he had a tray of food in his hand. "Ah Robin would you like some food? I've made you and Damian some it's on a tray over there." Alfred said. "Thanks Alfred, but I was just about to go see Dick. I'll take our food up with me though" I replied. Alfred thanked me and rearranged the trays so that mine and Dicks were on the same one.

I carefully carried the tray up the many stairs and began walking down the corridoor towards Dick's room. When I got there I used my foot to knock on the door. Dick opened it and looked to me then the food. "Am I getting doubles?" He asked looking at the two plates of food. "Haha very funny Dick" I joked as I walked into his room with the tray.

I looked around his room, it was pretty neat and tidy and there were various gadgets lying around. On his walls were various posters from The Flying Graysons, it must feel horrible to lose all your family, maybe that's why he's so sensitive with me, by the way he talks about the old me it could only suggest we were close. "Soooo you wanted to show me something?" I said as Dick closed the door and came to sit beside me.

"Yeah I do, but let's eat first" he said motioning to the food. Alfred would moan if we didn't eat. So we ate what he'd given us and left our plates on the tray to take down later. "Now will you show me?" I asked. "Yeah hang on a sec. I'll get it" he said, going over to his desk and pulling out a necklace. It had a small lock attached to it. "What is it?" I asked curiously. "It's a lock, the only way to get it off is with the key. I gave you the key." He replied.

I was slightly confused to where this conversation was going, was it possible that he had given me a key to his heart metaphorically speaking, or was it more a brother sister relationship? I didn't know how to say something without hurting him, so...

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I was slightly confused to where this conversation was going, was it possible that he had given me a key to his heart metaphorically speaking, or was it more a brother sister relationship? I didn't know how to say something without hurting him, so became really wary with my words and all my bitterness dropped as I tried to be as thoughtful as possible. "Did you have the key Rob?" He asked. I nodded.

Flashback ~ Robin, Age 13
I was unwrapping my final gift off my mum. It was a small box and inside the lid there was a note which read: "One day you'll remember me." - D . I was slightly confused so I asked mum what it was as I took out the key on the chain.

"That is a keychain, and your best friend has the lock. Tradition is it that the person who is the listener of the two friends gets the key and the one who is the talker gets the lock. It's like a metaphor, because the person with the key is the only person the person with the lock will open up to. It was free because the lock was missing, so it's like one day you could make a new friend" Mum explained. I laughed and put it on only to take it off later. If it really was a key without a lock what does that make me? I took off the necklace and put it safely in the box with the note.

I remembered the day mum gave me the key, I disregarded it completely. We were really good friends. I slightly wished that we were more than that, but at the end of the day if we were so close maybe he thought of me as a sister and that's why he missed me so much. I mean it would make sense right?

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