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Twilight Wolf POV
I was confused to why I had woken up in the boss's clammy office, but I was glad he let me off lightly. Usually when one of the grunts did that he'd scold them and beat them a bit in attempt to toughen them up. I headed off to the docks to help the others unload the trucks full of crates. They were slacking off when I arrived, but my presence in itself gave them some motivation to work. I had gained a reputation during my time with Harley and The Joker, and I'd found a outfit which suited it perfectly.

 I had gained a reputation during my time with Harley and The Joker, and I'd found a outfit which suited it perfectly

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I made my way towards the others and began helping them out, moving much more swiftly than they ever did. As we got the job finished I headed back to my hideout. It was an abandoned apartment, but had all the stuff I needed. I rarely ever slept so even though I had a bed it was barely used, however my training equipment was worn and in need of replacement, the shower was partially clean and that had also been frequently used, the remains of soot and blood lined around the plug hole at the bottom. Across from the shower was a small murky sink with brass taps that creaked when they turned, and a mirror which was streaked with grime, which turned everything it reflected into a distorted shape.

I had slumped into one of my small lounge chairs and removed my wolf mask, my dark blue hair falling either side of my face. Bold, black, make-up was still where I'd left it, its consistency untouched. I had nothing to do that night and growing bored I decided that if I couldn't train then it wouldn't kill me for some sleep, but then again since when was I allowed sleep.

The moment I closed my eyes, they snapped back open as somebody's presence became obvious to me. "The boss wants you" the guy said. "I'm on my way, leave" I replied coldly and so he left. I was glad my chair had been in the darkest corner of the room, seeing as my mask was off, I had to hope that the darkness in the room was enough to hide my identity. See I didn't know who I was really, but Harley and Joker had told me that if people were to see my face they would want me to go home and there would be a lot of unwanted attention, since I only wanted what they did, I promised to hide my identity and became the Twilight Wolf. I grabbed my mask again and pushed my hair aside, placing my mask back onto my face. I must have another job to do if it was this time of night, because of course, it was Twilight.

I scaled my way across buildings until I reached the boss's stingy warehouse. I used the knock I'd been given and entered. "Ah Twila, glad you could make it, I have a job for you" Joker said. "Give me a place and I'll get it done" I replied. "All in good time Twila, all in good time. First please meet Catwoman, she will be working with you on this assignment, of course cats and wolves don't mix, but I'm sure you two ladies can sort some things out" Joker said a slight laugh behind his words and a smile fixed on his face. Catwoman prowled into view, she rarely worked for the Joker and yet here she was. "We've got a jewellers to rob, don't get in my way Wolf" she said almost hissing at me. "Could say the same about you kitty" I growled back. "Let's just get going" I added still growling as I turned and left the warehouse, Catwoman in my wake.

As we climbed the rooftops no words were exchanged between me and the cat. Even as we began breaking into the store we still said nothing, we just acknowledged each other's presence and carried on working. Once in I deactivated the alarms while Catwoman dealt with the lasers and we snuck in successfully. At the center of the store was a large cat amulet that was dotted with diamonds and had bright jade eyes and it was not a surprise that the cat had only come for that. As soon as she was done grabbing it she made it obvious she was leaving and headed for the exit. "Tell your boss I'm grateful for the help, but that I don't owe him any favours, I didn't need your help" she said and climbed out the hole in the roof we made and disappeared. I quickly bagged whatever I could find and headed the same way, only when I emerged from our hole there were more people than I'd accounted for.

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