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Charlie's POV
I was not ready for my best friend's disappearance. Nor was I ready for the unrelentless stream of questions. Rob's aunt was also in a similar situation and there wasn't much either of us could do about it. Robin had made the choice to reveal her secret in order to save lives. It was her only option and she fearlessly took it. After I had been checked out by a paramedic due to the ceiling collapsing on me, my parents took me over to see Rob's aunt Georgie. They too wanted some answers, but it felt like they only wanted to help no matter who Robin really was and it made me very grateful that my parents could so easily accept Robin. I suppose after all these years they had parented Robin just like her aunt had parented me. We were family by choice, not by blood. It reminded me of the Batfamily and somehow it managed to put a smile on my face. We were part of that family now too, we always had been ever since I had met Robin, and I didn't want to leave it. Ever.

I understood what had happened, but my parents didn't. So as Rob's aunt explained everything, with my help they learnt the truth. They seemed unsure whether they should believe the story at first, but when they suddenly began putting the peices together I could see it began to make sense to them, that and the fact that Rob's aunt was so serious about it my parents struggled to find a reason to not believe her. My parents hugged Georgie and got up to leave.

"Charlie, Georgie has offered to let you stay here for awhile, your mother and I think that maybe you might prefer it with someone who understands the situation better than we do." My father stated. "Thanks for the offer, but I think I just need my bed" I replied gratefully. "No worries, you know where I am if you need me" Georgie said, hugging me goodbye. "Likewise, our family is here for you as well Georgie" my mother confirmed. "Thank you both, we've got to stick together through times like this" Georgie replied. She waved us goodbye and we headed home. The only thing I dreaded was going to school on Monday.

When I woke up Monday morning my parents had left me breakfast on the table, with a note telling me that if I didn't feel like going to school, they were okay if I bunked a day or two. Honestly, all I wanted was to hide until Robin came back, but no. I had to go into school, fix the mess and disregard any rumours that were to come from last Friday night. It was definitely going to be a prom to remember. I dressed quickly after I ate and stuffed my bag with my homework and Robin's extra homework that she'd finished early. She's saving the class and still a big nerd brain. I headed to the bus stop and stood patiently. Luckily not many kids from our year got on our bus and by not many, I meant it was only Rob and I. But boy did I dread form time.

As I entered the room I felt all eyes on me. I ignored the glares and headed straight to Ms Summers. I had to do this. "Miss, I understand many people have questions... and I was wondering, if I uh could answer some questions from the class in form time. I'll be happy to answer your questions too," I spoke, my voice quieter than I hoped. I guess I really was nervous. Well I'd said it now, I couldn't back down, Robin trusted me to settle this for her. What kind of Batman would I be if I just let my Robin suffer while I watched? "Well, I think maybe that could settle some things, but Charlie, I think that the questions may span a bit further than just our form," she replied. "I understand miss, perhaps I could visit other forms during the week too?" I suggested, hoping to get her permission. She nodded. "Let me take the register, then I'll leave you to it," she said. I nodded and thanked her before returning to my seat.

I could see it in my friends faces. James was just itching to ask a question, while Grace and Luke were staring at me, like they thought they would be able to see the answers through glaring at my eyeballs. "Guys cut it out, you'll get your answers. I promise. Robin wants you to know now, no secrets from now on, it's too late to try and hide everything again," I stated. They stopped their staring and began to look guilty as they shuffled uncomfortably in their seats. I heard the last name in the register be called and I stood up and headed to the front of the class. "I'm sure you all have many questions about Robin. I will answer anything you have to ask, but please don't go spreading false rumours about Rob. If anything you should all be grateful. Robin potentially sacrificed her life here to save your lives, so please keep that in mind before you decide to be horrible to her," I spoke. James was the first to raise his hand.

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