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5 days later... The day of Prom

Robin's POV
It had been a long five days and the day of prom finally dawned on us. Dick and Jason had been staying with my aunt and I the past few days and we had only just managed to settle into some sort of a routine. The first day was a mess. Dick woke up early and made breakfast for us all, which then messed up my aunt's routine. This caused my aunt to forget to wake me up, I was late for school a lot because of the others. What made it worse was that Jason wanted to come to school with us while we were here. He insisted it was for our protection, but I think we all know he just wanted to see Charlie all the time, not like she was complaining.

Day two went just as bad as day one, but this time Dick learned to not interrupt. On the other hand he resorted to cuddling with me in the morning, making me late for school yet again. At school, Jason's temper got him into a fight with the guys I had previously beaten up and he was sent home for the day. I'm surprised the school were going to let him come back after he did what he did. Don't get me wrong, Jason didn't really mean to break an arm or every bone in their hands, the bloodlust from the pit did some horrible things to a person's brain. Although they did ask for it.

Day three and four seemed to clear up better than the first two days. Dick left me alone and decided to go for a run in the morning to make sure he was out of the way. Jason didn't get in the way and me and my aunt were left to our routines. However, I wasn't pleased when I got a phone call at break from Dick saying he was lost and needed rescuing from whichever street he was stuck on. I went to him in secret using my portals and returned him home with the suggestion that next time he should probably just stay in the surrounding area. Jason found it midly amusing when he found out about Dick's morning run, although Dick had his turn to laugh at Jason as he was the victim of a flour bomb the next day. Courtesy of the local bullies.

That brings us to today. Friday morning was just as hard as Monday morning and a part of me just wanted Dick to keep hugging me, but he detatched himself from me with a sleepy "have a nice day." I took my clothes and changed in the bathroom before heading dowstairs to greet my Aunt and Jason for breakfast. "Morning Jay, Aunt Georgie" I chirped through a weak yawn. They both greeted me in return and the three of us sat at the island eating breakfast in a sleepy silence. Afterwards I dashed upstairs to brush my teeth and grab my bag before heading out the front door. "See you later Dickiebird~" I called out, closing the front door.

"So what do we have today?" Jason asked. He'd been shadowing me for the week seeing as he was my responsibiltiy. "Well we've got PSHE first thing, then probably english or maths, I'm not really sure being honest" I replied. Jason was happy we spent another lesson in form, it means he got more time with Charlie. When we got to the bus stop I left Jason to go to Charlie and stood silently waiting for the bus, hoping no disasters would happen today or tonight at prom. If anyone was going to trash anything it would be the prom tonight.

As the bus arrived we hopped on and sat for a short drive. The attatchment Charlie and Jason had for each other was sometimes sickening, so when we finally arrived I was happy to escape to form and chat with James and the others. "So is today Jason's last day here?" James asked me. I nodded. "Him and Dick are going home after prom," I responded. I had been keeping our friends in the loop regarding our visitors, but all they knew was that Dick was my boyfriend and Jason was my adopted brother. Luckily they didn't know that we were all comic book characters, now that would really be a problem.

By Friday lunchtime everyone had become excited and the Year 11's were given the afternoon off so they could prepare for the evening. Because of our early finish we walked into town to Charlie's family café. Charlie didn't think much of it, but Jason began looking really nervous about meeting Charlie's family and I couldn't help but laugh at him. This was going to be very fun to watch. Passing all the other tiny shops littered with items, we entered the small café on the corner and took the comfiest seats. Harvey came over and greeted us as per usual, he welcomed us back, but glanced at Jason with a cold, overprotective glare which screamed 'don't you dare hurt my little sister'. It was amusing to watch Jason get nervous due to Harvey's presence, so when he began talking to us I made sure to prolong the convesation as humanly possibly to get as much fun as I could out of Jason's distressed face. Charlie only picked up on it towards the end and officially introduced him as her boyfriend to her older brtoher which only made him even more nervous.

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