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Tim's POV
I was awoken by Jason's violent knocking on my door, his gruff voice shouting through the frame to get my butt in gear. I stumbled off my bed and rubbed my eyes, my body still craving the sleep which I got little to none of on a daily basis. I opened my door and peered out down the hallway. Jason was stood at the top of the stairs waiting. "Wake Rob up on your way down would ya? I don't want to be the one who wakes her" Jason joked, passing on the dreaded job of waking our sleeping sister. "Yeah, be down in a sec" I replied, watching him walk away. Slowly but surely I made my way over to Robin's door, knocking on it gently, before trying again a bit harder to see if I could stir her awake. As I began to wake up properly my eyes suddenly realised there was a note attatched to the door. It read 'Don't bother waking me up. P.S. I've locked my door so don't even bother trying to wake me up Jason.' I chuckled lightly as I saw the note and headed downstairs with it to explain the absense of our sister.

Trailing down the stairs I caught up with the others as everyone headed to the dining room to eat together. "Where's sister Drake? I thought you were waking her?" Damian immediately interrogated me. Typical demon spawn. "She's not eating tonight, see?" I told them, holding out the note with my hand. "I thought she wanted us all to eat together though" Dick wined, a little disappointed Robin couldn't make it. "Yeah, but I'd hate to be the one to wake her up. It's best we just leave her to it, she'll probably come down a little later" Jason mentioned.

"I think what she needs is rest. She's been using her portals a lot so she might be a bit drained" Bruce spoke up. That caught all our interest. "I've been meaning to ask, but what exactly are Robin's powers?" I asked Bruce. "I don't know the full extent, but for now I know everything you do apart from I also know that she can travel to places in her dreams and peer through realms with it. Also if she gets in an uncontrollable fury she's hard to beat as her powers are linked to her emotions, so the more powerful her anger the more powerful the attack." Bruce explained.

"What do you mean you don't know the full extent father? Surely you would train her to use her powers as an advantage? What more power can she gain?" Damian quick fired. That kid needed to tone down the questions. As over protective as he was it still didn't excuse his annoying pestering and ego. He never forgot to remind us all he was the blood son of Bruce, but we've been around longer than he has, which was probably the biggest advantage we had over Damian. "Robin wasn't exactly around that long Damian" I spoke out defensively. "Shut up Drake" Damian retorted, scowling at me. I could feel Bruce's glare from across the table and decided against taking another stab at Damian. "Lets just enjoy the meal shall we? That's what Robin would want anyway" Dick said, interrupting the tension. "I can second that, plus I'm starving" Jason added, tucking in to his meal, with the rest of us starting our food just after.

As Jason and Dick helped Alfred, Damian and Bruce went out on patrol and I decided to head down to the cave and check some of the security and tech we had. There was always some new gadget to make or a new file to hack into. I strolled down the stairs and met Robin's kitten Nightwing on my way, scooping the small ball of fur up and placing him on my shoulder as I sat infront of the computer screen. It was bright at first in the dark cave, but I squinted a little and my eyes adjusted to its blaring brightness. I checked all surveillance cameras in Gotham and found nothing suspicious that Damian and Bruce didn't know about, so instead spent my time scrolling through the feeds of the cameras in Central City. As evening set I could see no major trouble, at this time of night it was just the few going out for meals or to the pub to get drunk. Either way they were easy to deal with, so we left them to the police.

I flicked through the feeds until I found one in a richer area of town. The glittering lights and expensive gold rimmed windows, nobody normal could dine here, making it even more important to watch. Rich people were the ones who could cause the most trouble. Well, aside from Bruce. I rubbed my eyes momentarily before I began looking again, stroking the kitten on my shoulder with my spare hand. The rhythmic purring of Nightwing almost put me to sleep, but the small cat's fur tickled my neck and equally woke me up. He was much nicer than Damian's cat Alfred, he didn't scratch me or get cat hair all over my stuff, he just sat there being comfort for whoever needed it. His small mewl echoed through my ear as his shiny blue orbs watched something on the monitor in front of me with close attention. I too turned to look at the screen and saw what had caught the kitten's eye. It was Robin?! She was with some guy, whose face was hidden, coming out of the restaurant with him, laughing and fooling around. He looked about Dick's age if not a bit older. Was Robin cheating on Dick?

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